Which is the last school year you attended (q18)
Fichier: sn_qb_work_permit
Type: Discrète
Format: numeric
Largeur: 36
Décimales: 0
Intervalle: 0-2147483624
Enregistrements valides: 0
Invalide: 0
Questions et instructions
Question littérale
Q18. Let's talk about your studies: Which is the last school year you attended?
If q18 in 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 => Go to the "Activity" module
Valeur Catégorie
0 None
1 Pre-school (nursery school)
2 Pre-school
3 First year primary
4 2nd year primary
5 3rd year primary
6 4th year primary
7 5th year primary
8 1st year secondary
9 2nd year secondary
10 3rd year secondary
11 4th year secondary
12 1st year high school
13 2nd year high school
14 Final year high school
15 1st year (DEUG1 or equivalent) / BTS1
16 2nd year (DEUG2 or equivalent) / BTS2
17 3rd year (BA or equivalent)
18 4th year (MA or equivalent)
19 5th year (DESS,DEA or equivalent)
20 6th year (PhD studies)
Avertissement: ces statistiques indiquent le nombre d'enregistrements trouvés dans les fichiers de données, et non des nombres pondérés. Ils ne peuvent pas être interpretés comme étant représentatifs de la population concernée.
Instructions aux enquêteurs
- If EGO has no formal education: Encircle the code 00 below
- If EGO has some formal education: Encircle the corresponding code