Number of persons living abroad and keeping regular contacts (hmigother)
Fichier: sn_qm_indiv
Type: Continu
Format: numeric
Largeur: 9
Décimales: 0
Intervalle: 0-8
Enregistrements valides: 0
Invalide: 0
Total number of persons living abroad and keeping regular contacts with the HH during the 12 months before the survey (excluding of the other migrants category - partners, children)
Variable calculated from the following variables:
- hmigchild (Number of children of HH head living outside abroad)
- hmigsptot (Total number of partners living abroad)
- hmigtot (Total number of persons living outside Senegal, whatever the country of residence)

Stata program:
gen hmigother=hmigtot-hmigchild-hmigsptot