Migrant code 2 (q709_b)
Fichier: sn_qb_return
Type: Discrète
Format: numeric
Largeur: 8
Décimales: 0
Intervalle: 2-6
Enregistrements valides: 0
Invalide: 0
Questions et instructions
If Ego returned to Senegal at least once (long or short return)
If q708 not in 0
If Ego has or has had one or more members of his family or personal network outside Senegal
If q709 in 1
Question littérale
709. Are these persons of your family or personal network who live or lived outside Senegal and about whom we talked before?
Migrant code 2
Instructions aux enquêteurs
If yes, write down the Migrant Code given in the AGEVEN Column 4