Inventaire d'enquêtes Demostaf


1 Diabaté, Druetz, Bonnet, Kouanda, Ridde, and Haddad. "Insecticide-treated nets ownership and utilization among under-five children following the 2010 mass distribution in Burkina Faso." Malaria Journal 13, no. 1 (2014): 353.
2 Kouanda, S, A Bado, M Yameogo, J Nitiema, G Yameogo, F Bocoum, T Millogo, V Ridde, S Haddad, and B Sondo. "The Kaya HDSS, Burkina Faso: a platform for epidemiological studies and health programme evaluation." International Journal of Epidemiology 42, no. 3 (2013): 741-749.
3 Ly, Kouanda, and Ridde. "Nursing and midwife staffing needs in maternity wards in Burkina Faso referral hospitals." Human Resources for Health 12, no. 1 (2014): S8.
4 Ridde, Valéry, Clémentine Rossier, Abdramane B Soura, Fiacre Bazié, and Kadidiatou Kadio. "A community-based approach to indigent selection is difficult to organize in a formal neighbourhood in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: a mixed methods exploratory study." International Journal For Equity In Health 13, no. 1 (2014): 31-0.
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