Sénégal - World Health Survey (2003)
ID de référence | SEN-OMS-WHS-2003 |
Année | 2003 |
Pays | Sénégal |
Producteur(s) | Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) |
Bailleur(s) | Organisation mondiale de la santé - OMS - |
Collection(s) | |
Métadonnées | Documentation au format PDF |
Page web de l'étude |
Créé le
Sep 20, 2019
Dernière modification
Sep 20, 2019
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Dictionnaire de données
Fichier de données: WHS-Senegal_F5
Enregistrements | 0 |
Variable(s) | 681 |
Structure: | Type: relational Clés: id (Identification) |
Nom | Libellé | Question | |
q4050 | Do you heat your house when cold | Do you heat your house when it is cold? |
q4051 | What type of fuel for heating | What type of fuel does your household mainly use for heating? |
q4052 | Type of heating stove | What type of heating stove is used in your house? |
q4000te | Time end section 4000 | ||
q5000 | Ever given birth | Now I would like to aks you about all the births you have had during your life. Have you ever given birth? |
q5100 | Household roster line number | ||
q5101 | number of births to natural mother | How many children did your mother give birth to, including you ? No. of births to natural mother: |
q5102 | number of preceding births | How many births did your mother have before you were born? No. of preceding births: |
q5103 | number of succeeding births | How many births did your mother have after you were born? No. of succeeding births: |
q6000tb | Time begin section 6000 | ||
q6000 | Arthritis | Have you ever been diagnosed with arthritis (a disease of the joints)? |
q6001 | Arthritis treated | Have you ever been treated for it (referring to the disease asked about question Q6001)? |
q6002 | medication for arthritis | Have you been taking any medication or other treatment for it (referring to the disease asked about in question Q6001) during the last two weeks? |
q6003 | pain, aching or stiffness | During the last 12 months, have you experienced pain, aching, stiffness or swelling in or around the joint, which were not related to an injury and lasted more than a month? |
q6004 | stiffness in joint in morning | During the last 12 months, have you experienced stiffness in the joint in the morning after getting up from bed or after a long rest of the joint without movement? |
q6005 | length of stiffness | How long does this stiffness last? |
q6006 | stiffness go away after exercise/movement | Does the stiffness go away after exercise or movement in the joint? |
q6007 | Back Pain | Have you experienced back pain (including disc problems) during the last 30 days? |
q6008 | How many days did you have back pain | How many days did you have this back pain during the last 30 days? |
q6009 | diagnosis of angina pectoris | Have you ever been diagnosed with angina or angina pectoris (a heart disease)? |
q6010 | Angina treated | Have you ever been treated for it (referring to the disease asked about in question Q6009)? |
q6011 | Medication or other treatment for angina | Have you been taking any medication or other treatment for it (referring to the disease asked about in question Q6009) during the last two weeks? |
q6012 | Pain or discomfort in chest | During the last 12 months, have you experienced pain or discomfort in your chest when you walk uphill or hurry? |
q6013 | pain or discomfort when walking at ordinary pace | During the last 12 months, have you experienced pain or discomfort in your chest when you walk at an ordinary pace on level ground? |
q6014 | what do you do when you get pain while walking | What do you do if you get the pain or discomfort when you are walking? |
q6015 | if you stand still, what happens to pain | If you stand still, what happens to the pain or discomfort? |
q6016_1 | location of pain (upper or middle chest) (1-checked, 5 unchecked) | Will you show me where the pain or discomfort was? |
q6016_2 | location of pain (lower chest) | Will you show me where the pain or discomfort was? |
q6016_3 | location of pain (Left arm) (1-checked, 5 unchecked) | Will you show me where the pain or discomfort was? |
q6016_4 | location of pain (Other) (1-checked, 5 unchecked) | Will you show me where the pain or discomfort was? |
q6017 | Asthma Diagnosed | Have you ever been diagnosed with asthma (an allergic respiratory disease)? |
q6018 | Asthma Treated | Have you ever been treated for it (referring to the disease asked about in Q6017)? |
q6019 | Medication or other treatment for asthma | Have you been taking any medications or other treatment for it (referring to the disease asked about in Q6017), during the last two weeks? |
q6020 | wheezing or whistling breathing | During the last 12 months, have you experienced attacks of wheezing or whistling breathing? |
q6021 | attack of wheezing after physical activity | During the last 12 months, have you experienced an attack of wheezing that came on after you stopped exercising or some other physical activity? |
q6022 | Tightness in chest | During the last 12 months, have you experienced feeling of tightness in your chest? |
q6023 | tightness in chest upon waking | During the last 12 months, have you woken up with a feeling of tightness in your chest in the morning or at any other time? |
q6024 | attack of shortness of breath without obvious cause | During the last 12 months, have you had an attack of shortness of breath that came on without obvious cause when you were not exercising or doing some physical activity? |
q6025 | diagnosis of depression | During the last 12 months, have you ever been diagnosed with depression? |
q6026 | Depression treated | Have you ever been treated for it? (referring to condition asked in Q6025) |
q6027 | medication for depression | Have you been taking any medications or other treatment for it in the last two weeks? |
q6028 | Feeling of sadness, emptiness or depression | During last 12 months, have you had a period lasting several days when you felt sad, empty or depressed? |
q6029 | period lasting several days when lost interest | During last 12 months, have you had a period lasting several days when you lost interest in most things you usually enjoy such as hobbies, personal relationships or work? |
q6030 | period lasting several days when energy decreased or tired all the time | During last 12 months, have you had a period lasting several days when you have been feeling your energy decreased or that you are tired all the time? |
q6031 | depression more than two weeks | Was this period [of sadness/loss of interest/low energy] more than 2 weeks? |
q6032 | depression most of the day nearly every day | Was this period [of sadness/loss of interest/low energy] most of the day, nearly every day? |
q6033 | loss of appetite | During this period, did you lose your appetite? |
q6034 | slowing down in thinking | During this period, did you notice any slowing down in your thinking? |
q6035 | Schizophrenia diagnosis | Have you ever been diagnosed for a mental health problem such as schizophrenia or psychosis? |
q6036 | Schizophrenia Treated | Have you ever been treated for it ? (referring to the condition asked about in Q6035) |
q6037 | Received medication for schizophrenia | Have you been taking any medications or other treatment for it during the last 2 weeks? |
q6038 | feel strange unexplainable going on | A feeling that something strange and unexplainable was going on that other people would find hard to believe? |
q6039 | Feel people were too interested | A feeling that people were too interested in you or there was a plot to harm you? |
q6040 | Feel your thoughts were controlled by others | A feeling that your thoughts are being directly interfered or controlled by another person, or your mind was being taken over by strange forces. |
q6041 | Hallucinations | An experience of seeing visions or hearing voices that others could not see or hear when you were not half asleep, dreaming or under the influence of alcohol or drugs? |
q6042 | Diagnosed with Diabetes | Have you ever been diagnosed with diabetes (or high blood sugar)? |
q6043 | Treatment for Diabetes | Have you been treated for it? (referring to the condition asked about in Q6042) |
q6044 | Medications for diabetes | Have you been taking insulin, or any other blood sugar lowering medications in the last 2 weeks? |
q6045 | Program for diabetes | Are you following a special diet, exercise regime or weight control program for diabetes? |
q6100 | Cough that lasted 3 weeks or longer | During the last 12 months, have you experienced cough that lasted for 3 weeks or longer? |
q6101 | Blood in sputum of phlegm or have you coughed blood | During the last 12 months, have you had blood in your phlegm, or have you coughed blood? |
q6102 | had a TB test | In the last 12 months, have you had a tuberculosis (TB) test, I mean has a doctor examined your sputum or made an X-ray of your chest? |
q6200 | Keeping medicines or drugs in the house | Do you keep any medicines or drugs in the house? |
q6201 | may I see medications | May I see what drugs or medicines you personally have been using in the last two weeks? |
q6202a1 | Arthritis medicine 1 | Identify the medicines shown by the respondent in the medicine list and then record in the corresponding row in the following table. Please complete the table for a maximum of the 3 most used medicines for each condition. |
q6202b1 | prescribed by medical professional | Identify the medicines shown by the respondent in the medicine list and then record in the corresponding row in the following table. Please complete the table for a maximum of the 3 most used medicines for each condition. |
q6202c1 | Arthritis medicine 2 | Identify the medicines shown by the respondent in the medicine list and then record in the corresponding row in the following table. Please complete the table for a maximum of the 3 most used medicines for each condition. |
q6202d1 | prescribed by medical professional | Identify the medicines shown by the respondent in the medicine list and then record in the corresponding row in the following table. Please complete the table for a maximum of the 3 most used medicines for each condition. |
q6202e1 | Arthritis medicine 3 | Identify the medicines shown by the respondent in the medicine list and then record in the corresponding row in the following table. Please complete the table for a maximum of the 3 most used medicines for each condition. |
q6202f1 | prescribed by medical professional | Identify the medicines shown by the respondent in the medicine list and then record in the corresponding row in the following table. Please complete the table for a maximum of the 3 most used medicines for each condition. |
q6202a2 | Angina medicine 1 | Identify the medicines shown by the respondent in the medicine list and then record in the corresponding row in the following table. Please complete the table for a maximum of the 3 most used medicines for each condition. |
q6202b2 | prescribed by medical professional | Identify the medicines shown by the respondent in the medicine list and then record in the corresponding row in the following table. Please complete the table for a maximum of the 3 most used medicines for each condition. |
q6202c2 | Angina medicine 2 | Identify the medicines shown by the respondent in the medicine list and then record in the corresponding row in the following table. Please complete the table for a maximum of the 3 most used medicines for each condition. |
q6202d2 | prescribed by medical professional | Identify the medicines shown by the respondent in the medicine list and then record in the corresponding row in the following table. Please complete the table for a maximum of the 3 most used medicines for each condition. |
q6202e2 | Angina medicine 3 | Identify the medicines shown by the respondent in the medicine list and then record in the corresponding row in the following table. Please complete the table for a maximum of the 3 most used medicines for each condition. |
q6202f2 | prescribed by medical professional | Identify the medicines shown by the respondent in the medicine list and then record in the corresponding row in the following table. Please complete the table for a maximum of the 3 most used medicines for each condition. |
q6202a3 | Asthma medicine 1 | Identify the medicines shown by the respondent in the medicine list and then record in the corresponding row in the following table. Please complete the table for a maximum of the 3 most used medicines for each condition. |
q6202b3 | prescribed by medical professional | Identify the medicines shown by the respondent in the medicine list and then record in the corresponding row in the following table. Please complete the table for a maximum of the 3 most used medicines for each condition. |
q6202c3 | Asthma medicine 2 | Identify the medicines shown by the respondent in the medicine list and then record in the corresponding row in the following table. Please complete the table for a maximum of the 3 most used medicines for each condition. |
q6202d3 | prescribed by medical professional | Identify the medicines shown by the respondent in the medicine list and then record in the corresponding row in the following table. Please complete the table for a maximum of the 3 most used medicines for each condition. |
q6202e3 | Asthma medicine 3 | Identify the medicines shown by the respondent in the medicine list and then record in the corresponding row in the following table. Please complete the table for a maximum of the 3 most used medicines for each condition. |
q6202f3 | prescribed by medical professional | Identify the medicines shown by the respondent in the medicine list and then record in the corresponding row in the following table. Please complete the table for a maximum of the 3 most used medicines for each condition. |
q6202a4 | Depression medicine 1 | Identify the medicines shown by the respondent in the medicine list and then record in the corresponding row in the following table. Please complete the table for a maximum of the 3 most used medicines for each condition. |
q6202b4 | prescribed by medical professional | Identify the medicines shown by the respondent in the medicine list and then record in the corresponding row in the following table. Please complete the table for a maximum of the 3 most used medicines for each condition. |
q6202c4 | Depression medicine 2 | Identify the medicines shown by the respondent in the medicine list and then record in the corresponding row in the following table. Please complete the table for a maximum of the 3 most used medicines for each condition. |
q6202d4 | prescribed by medical professional | Identify the medicines shown by the respondent in the medicine list and then record in the corresponding row in the following table. Please complete the table for a maximum of the 3 most used medicines for each condition. |
q6202e4 | Depression medicine 3 | Identify the medicines shown by the respondent in the medicine list and then record in the corresponding row in the following table. Please complete the table for a maximum of the 3 most used medicines for each condition. |
q6202f4 | prescribed by medical professional | Identify the medicines shown by the respondent in the medicine list and then record in the corresponding row in the following table. Please complete the table for a maximum of the 3 most used medicines for each condition. |
q6202a5 | Schizophrenia medicine 1 | Identify the medicines shown by the respondent in the medicine list and then record in the corresponding row in the following table. Please complete the table for a maximum of the 3 most used medicines for each condition. |
q6202b5 | prescribed by medical professional | Identify the medicines shown by the respondent in the medicine list and then record in the corresponding row in the following table. Please complete the table for a maximum of the 3 most used medicines for each condition. |
q6202c5 | Schizophrenia medicine 2 | Identify the medicines shown by the respondent in the medicine list and then record in the corresponding row in the following table. Please complete the table for a maximum of the 3 most used medicines for each condition. |
q6202d5 | prescribed by medical professional | Identify the medicines shown by the respondent in the medicine list and then record in the corresponding row in the following table. Please complete the table for a maximum of the 3 most used medicines for each condition. |
q6202e5 | Schizophrenia medicine 3 | Identify the medicines shown by the respondent in the medicine list and then record in the corresponding row in the following table. Please complete the table for a maximum of the 3 most used medicines for each condition. |
q6202f5 | prescribed by medical professional | Identify the medicines shown by the respondent in the medicine list and then record in the corresponding row in the following table. Please complete the table for a maximum of the 3 most used medicines for each condition. |
q6202a6 | Tuberculosis medicine 1 | Identify the medicines shown by the respondent in the medicine list and then record in the corresponding row in the following table. Please complete the table for a maximum of the 3 most used medicines for each condition. |
q6202b6 | prescribed by medical professional | Identify the medicines shown by the respondent in the medicine list and then record in the corresponding row in the following table. Please complete the table for a maximum of the 3 most used medicines for each condition. |
q6202c6 | Tuberculosis medicine 2 | Identify the medicines shown by the respondent in the medicine list and then record in the corresponding row in the following table. Please complete the table for a maximum of the 3 most used medicines for each condition. |
q6202d6 | prescribed by medical professional | Identify the medicines shown by the respondent in the medicine list and then record in the corresponding row in the following table. Please complete the table for a maximum of the 3 most used medicines for each condition. |
q6202e6 | Tuberculosis medicine 3 | Identify the medicines shown by the respondent in the medicine list and then record in the corresponding row in the following table. Please complete the table for a maximum of the 3 most used medicines for each condition. |
q6202f6 | prescribed by medical professional | Identify the medicines shown by the respondent in the medicine list and then record in the corresponding row in the following table. Please complete the table for a maximum of the 3 most used medicines for each condition. |
Total variable(s):
681 |