Sénégal - World Health Survey (2003)
ID de référence | SEN-OMS-WHS-2003 |
Année | 2003 |
Pays | Sénégal |
Producteur(s) | Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) |
Bailleur(s) | Organisation mondiale de la santé - OMS - |
Collection(s) | |
Métadonnées | Documentation au format PDF |
Page web de l'étude |
Créé le
Sep 20, 2019
Dernière modification
Sep 20, 2019
Affichage par page
Dictionnaire de données
Fichier de données: WHS-Senegal_F5
Enregistrements | 0 |
Variable(s) | 681 |
Structure: | Type: relational Clés: id (Identification) |
Nom | Libellé | Question | |
q6611 | HIV test | In the last 12 months, have you been tested to see if you have HIV, the virus that causes AIDS? |
q6612 | HIV test results received | Have you been told the results of your test? |
q6700 | last time eyes examined | When was the last time you had your eyes examined by a physician or other medical professional? |
q6701 | had cataract told by a physician | In the last 5 years, were you diagnosed with a cataract in one or both of your eyes? |
q6702 | eye surgery to remove cataract | In the last 5 years, have you had eye surgery to remove your cataract (s)? |
q6703 | blurry vision | In the last 12 months, have you experienced any of the following… Cloudy or blurry vision? |
q6704 | Glare from bright lights | In the last 12 months, have you experienced any of the following… Vision problems with light, such as glare from bright lights, or halos around lights? |
q6750 | Problem with mouth/teeth | During the last 12 months, did you have any problems with your mouth and/or teeth? |
q6751 | medical care or treatment for mouth or teeth | During the last 12 months, did you receive medical care or treatment from a dentist or other oral health specialist for this problem with your mouth and/or teeth? |
q6752 | medication | What type of care or treatment did you receive for this problem with your mouth and/or teeth? In particular any medication. |
q6753 | Dental work | What type of care or treatment did you receive for this problem with your mouth and/or teeth? In particular any dental work or oral surgery. |
q6754 | Dentures or bridges | What type of care or treatment did you receive for this problem with your mouth and/or teeth? In particular any dentures or bridges. |
q6755 | Counseling | What type of care or treatment did you receive for this problem with your mouth and/or teeth? In particular any information or conseling on dental care/oral hygiene. |
q6756 | other | What type of care or treatment did you receive for this problem with your mouth and/or teeth? In particular any others not already mentioned. |
q6756s | Q6756 specify | What type of care or treatment did you receive for this problem with your mouth and/or teeth? |
q6757 | lost all of natural teeth | Have you lost all of your natural teeth? |
q6800 | involved in road traffic accident | In the past 12 months, have you been involved in a road traffic accident where you suffered from bodily injury? |
q6801 | When did the accident happen? | When (in the last 12 months) did the accident happen? |
q6802 | received any medical care | Did you receive medical care or treatment for your injuries? |
q6803 | where received care first | Where did you first receive care? |
q6804 | Was it government operated or private | Was it government operated or private (if from ambulance, hospital or outpatient facility)? |
q6805 | how soon received care | How soon after the traffic accident occurred did you first receive care? |
q6806 | suffered bodily due to fall, burn, poisoning, . | In the past 12 months, have you suffered bodily injury that limited your everyday activities in any way? This could have been due to a fall, burn, poisoning, submersion in water, or by a firearm or sharp weapon, or an act of violence from another person? |
q6807 | When bodily injury | When (in the last 12 months) did the incident happen? |
q6808 | received any medical care for injuries | Did you receive any medical care or treatment for your injuries? |
q6809 | source of care | Where did you first receive care? |
q6810 | Government operated or private | Was it government operated or private (if from ambulance, hospital or outpatient facility)? |
q6811 | how soon received care | How soon after this injury did you first receive care? |
q6000te | Time end section 6000 | ||
q7000tb | Time begin section 7000 | ||
q7000 | last time needed health care | When was the last time that either you as an adult, or a child of yours aged 12 years or less, needed health care? - in the last 30 days - between 1 month and less than 1 year ago - between 1 year and less than 2 years ago - between 2 years and less than 3 years ago - between 3 years and less than 5 years ago - more than 5 years ago - Never needed – Skip to 7020 |
q7001 | Need for health Care | Was the last need for health care for you or for your child? - Yourself - Your child |
q7002 | Availability of health care providers | Thinking of the last time you [your child] needed to see a health care provider who could treat your condition, how many were there around who you could chose from? |
q7003 | Why was health care needed? | Which reason best describes why you [your child] last needed health care? - High fever, severe diarrhoea, or cough - Immunization - Antenatal consultation - Family planning - Childbirth - Dental care - Arthritis - Asthma - Heart disease - Bodily injury - Minor surgery - Other |
q7004 | The last time you needed health care, did you get health care? | The last time you [your child] needed health care, did you get health care? - Yes - SKIP TO Q7016 - No |
q7005 | Could not afford it | Which reasons best explain why you [your child] did not get health care? Could not afford the cost of the visit. |
q7006 | No transport | Which reasons best explain why you [your child] did not get health care? No transport. |
q7007 | Could not afford cost of transport | Which reasons best explain why you [your child] did not get health care? Could not afford the cost of transport. |
q7008 | Inadequate Drugs or Equipment | Which reasons best explain why you [your child] did not get health care? The health care provider's drugs or equipment are inadequate. |
q7009 | Inadequate skills | Which reasons best explain why you [your child] did not get health care? The health care provider's skills are inadequate. |
q7010 | Previous bad treatment | Which reasons best explain why you [your child] did not get health care?You were previously badly treated. |
q7011 | Had other commitments | Which reasons best explain why you [your child] did not get health care? Could not take time off work or had other commitments. |
q7012 | Did not know where to go | Which reasons best explain why you [your child] did not get health care? You did not know where to go. |
q7013 | Thought you were not sick enough | Which reasons best explain why you [your child] did not get health care? You thought you were not sick enough. |
q7014 | You were denied health care | Which reasons best explain why you [your child] did not get health care? You tried but were denied health care. |
q7015 | Other | Which reasons best explain why you [your child] did not get health care? Other. |
q7016 | Where did you get care? | When you last needed health care, where did you get care? - At a health care provider, excluding an overnight stay in hospital - At a hospital where you stayed overnight - At home |
q7017 | Prescription of medicine | The last time you [your child] sought care for [refer to the CONDITIONS listed in Q7003] did the health care provider prescribe any medicine for you [your child]? 1. Yes 5. No 8. DK - If No or DK: Go to Q7020 |
q7018 | Able to get medicine | Of the medicines that were prescribed for you [your child], how many of them were you able to get? 1. All of them – Skip to Q7020 2. Most 3. Some 4. Very few 5. None of them |
q7019 | Why did not get medicine | Which reason best explains why you [your child] did not get all the medicines you were prescribed? 1. Could not afford 2. Could not find all medicines 3. Did not believe all the medications were needed 4. Started to feel better 5. Already had some of the medicines at home 6. Other |
q7020 | Health care in you country | How would you rate the way health care in your country involves you in deciding what services it provides and where it provides them? |
q7021 | Satisfaction rate for countrys health care | In general, would you say you are very satisfied, fairly satisfied, neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, fairly dissatisfied or very dissatisfied with the way health care runs in your country. |
q7022 | Providing help | During the past year, did you provide help to a relative or friend (adult or child), because this person has a long-term physical or mental illness or disability or is getting old and weak? - Yes, for a person living in the same household - Yes, for a person living in a separate household - No |
q7023 | Personal care | Please tell me the kind of care you provided to this person(s)? You helped with personal care, such as going to the toilet, washing, getting dressed, or eating. |
q7024 | Medical care | Please tell me the kind of care you provided to this person(s)? You helped with medical care, like changing bandages and giving medicines. |
q7025 | Household activities | Please tell me the kind of care you provided to this person(s)? You helped with household activities such as meal preparation, shopping, cleaning, laundry. |
q7026 | Watched over them | Please tell me the kind of care you provided to this person(s)? You watched over them since their behaviour can be upsetting or dangerous to themselves or others. |
q7027 | Helped them to get around outside the home | Please tell me the kind of care you provided to this person(s)? You helped them to get around outside the home. |
q7028 | Payment exemptions | In your dealings with private health care organizations or the government, have you ever had any difficulties: Obtaining payment exemptions or the right to special rates for health care? |
q7029 | Health insurance | In your dealings with private health care organizations or the government, have you ever had any difficulties: Completing or filling out applications for health insurance? |
q7030 | Benefits from health insurance | In your dealings with private health care organizations or the government, have you ever had any difficulties: Finding out what benefits you are entitled to from your health insurance? |
q7031 | Reimbursement from health insurance | In your dealings with private health care organizations or the government, have you ever had any difficulties: Getting reimbursements from health insurance organizations? |
q7100 | Respectful treatment | How important is "respectful treatment" to you? This means, being shown respect when greeted by and when talking to health care providers having physical examinations conducted in a way that respects your cultural norms. Would you say it is: - Extremely important - Very important - Moderately important - A little important - Not important |
q7101 | Confidentiality of Personal Information | How important is "confidentiality of personal information" to you? This means, having information about your health and other personal information kept confidential having conversations with health care providers without other people overhearing. - Extremely important - Very important - Moderately important - A little important - Not important |
q7102 | Convenient Travel and Waiting Times | How important is "choice of health care providers" to you? This means, being able to choose your health care provider (place or person) being able to consult for a second opinion or with a specialist if so desired. - Extremely important - Very important - Moderately important - A little important - Not important |
q7103 | Choice of care provider | How important is "convenient travel and short waiting times" to you? This means, having short travel times and convenient access to health care facilities having short waiting times for consultations and hospital admissions. - Extremely important - Very important - Moderately important - A little important - Not important |
q7104 | Involvement in decisions | How important is "involvement in decision making" to you? This means, being involved as much as you want in deciding about your health care freedom to discuss other treatment options or care regimes if you want. - Extremely important - Very important - Moderately important - A little important - Not important |
q7105 | good quality surroundings | How important are "good quality surroundings" to you? This means , having enough space, seating and fresh air in the waiting rooms, examination rooms and hospital wards having a clean facility (including clean toilets). - Extremely important - Very important - Moderately important - A little important - Not important |
q7106 | contact with outside world | How important is "contact with outside world " to you? This means, having family and friends visit you as much as you want when you are a patient in hospital being able to keep in contact with family, friends and to have information about what is happening outside the hospital. - Extremely important - Very important - Moderately important - A little important - Not important |
q7107 | Clarity of Communication | How important is "clarity of communication" to you? This means, having the health care providers explain things in a way you can understand having enough time to ask questions if you don't understand something. - Extremely important - Very important - Moderately important - A little important - Not important |
q7200 | Overnight stay in hospital | Over the last 5 years, was there ever a time you stayed overnight in a hospital or other type of long term care facility for your own health care? |
q7201 | Child stayed overnight at hospital | Over the last 5 years, was there ever a time that one of your children aged 12 years or less stayed overnight in a hospital (for his/her own health care)? |
q7202 | Sex of the child | What is the sex of the child? |
q7203 | date of birth of the child | What is the date of birth of the child? |
q7204 | Did you receive health care (outpatient) | Over the last 12 months, did you receive any health care other than an overnight stay in a hospital? |
q7205 | Child receive health care (outpatient) | Over the last 12 months was there ever a time you accompanied one of your children aged 12 years or less for health care (other than an overnight stay in a hospital)? |
q7206 | Sex of Child | What is the sex of the child? |
q7207 | Date of birth of child | What is the date of birth of the child? |
q7300 | Name of last health care provider visited | What was the name of the last health care provider you used in the last 12 months? |
q7301 | Most often visited facility run by whom | Was the last place you visited in the last 12 months: - operated by the government - privately operated - NGO - other |
q7302 | Health care provider visited | Which was the last health care provider you visited? Medical doctor (including gynaecologist, psychiatrist, ophthalmologist, etc.) - Nurse - Midwife - Dentist - Physiotherapist or chiropractor - Traditional medicine practitioner - Other |
q7303 | Sex of health care provider | What was the sex of [the health care provider]? |
q7304 | Health care providers skills | In your opinion, was [the health care provider's] skill adequate for your treatment? |
q7305 | Health care providers equipment | In your opinion, was [the health care provider's] equipment adequate for your treatment? |
q7306 | Health care providers drug supplies | In your opinion, were [the health care provider's] drug supplies adequate for your treatment? |
q7307 | how long it took to get there | Thinking about your last visit, how long did it take you to get there? |
q7308 | How did you get to last visit | Thinking about your last visit, how did you get there? [Interviewer; mark the one used for most of the travel distance.] - Private car or motorcycle - Public transport - Ambulance - Bicycle - Walked - Other |
q7309 | Health care providers fees | Thinking about your last visit, how much did you or your household pay for: [Health care provider's] fees |
q7310 | Medicines | Thinking about your last visit, how much did you or your household pay for: Medicines |
q7311 | Tests | Thinking about your last visit, how much did you or your household pay for: Tests |
q7312 | Transport | Thinking about your last visit, how much did you or your household pay for: Transport |
q7313 | Other | Thinking about your last visit, how much did you or your household pay for: Other |
q7314 | Government discount or exemption | Did you or your household pay less than the normal health care fees because of a government discount or exemption? |
q7315 | Rate the amount of traveling time | For your [child’s] last visit, how would you rate the travelling time to the health care provider? |
q7316 | Waiting time before being attended to | For your [child’s] last visit, how would you rate the amount of time you waited before being attended to? |
q7317 | Rate the experience of being greeted respectfully | For your [child’s] last visit, how would you rate your experience of being greeted and talked to respectfully? |
q7318 | Respect of privacy | For your [child’s] last visit, how would you rate the way your privacy was respected during physical examinations and treatments? |
q7319 | Rate the experience of how clearly health care providers communicated | For you [child’s] last visit, how would you rate the experience of how clearly health care providers explained things to you? |
q7320 | Time to ask questions about health problem | For your [child’s] last visit, how would you rate your experience of getting enough time to ask questions about your health problem or treatment? |
q7321 | Getting information about other types of treatments or tests | For your [child’s] last visit, how would you rate your experience of getting information about other types of treatments or tests? |
Total variable(s):
681 |