Sénégal - World Health Survey (2003)
ID de référence | SEN-OMS-WHS-2003 |
Année | 2003 |
Pays | Sénégal |
Producteur(s) | Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) |
Bailleur(s) | Organisation mondiale de la santé - OMS - |
Collection(s) | |
Métadonnées | Documentation au format PDF |
Page web de l'étude |
Créé le
Sep 20, 2019
Dernière modification
Sep 20, 2019
Affichage par page
Dictionnaire de données
Fichier de données: WHS-Senegal_F5
Enregistrements | 0 |
Variable(s) | 681 |
Structure: | Type: relational Clés: id (Identification) |
Nom | Libellé | Question | |
q7322 | Getting involved as much as you wanted to be | For your [child’s] last visit, how would you rate your experience of being involved in making decisions about your health care or treatment? |
q7323 | Being able to talk privately to health care providers | For your [child’s] last visit, how would you rate the way the health services ensured you could talk privately to health care providers? |
q7324 | Kept your personal information confidential | For your [child’s] last visit, how would you rate the way your personal information was kept confidential? |
q7325 | Freedom to choose health care provider | For your [child’s] last visit, how would you rate the freedom you had to choose your health care provider? |
q7326 | Rate the experience with the conditions and cleanliness | For your [child’s] last visit, how would you rate the cleanliness of the rooms inside the facility, including toilets? |
q7327 | Amount of space in examination and waiting rooms | For your [child’s] last visit, how would you rate the amount of space in the waiting and examination rooms? |
q7328 | Sex | In the last 12 months did you feel that you were treated worse by health care providers for any of the following reasons. Because of your: Sex |
q7329 | Age | In the last 12 months did you feel that you were treated worse by health care providers for any of the following reasons. Because of your: Age |
q7330 | Lack of funds | In the last 12 months did you feel that you were treated worse by health care providers for any of the following reasons. Because of your: Lack of money |
q7331 | Social class | In the last 12 months did you feel that you were treated worse by health care providers for any of the following reasons. Because of your: Social class |
q7332 | Skin colour | In the last 12 months did you feel that you were treated worse by health care providers for any of the following reasons. Because of your: Ethnic group or colour |
q7333 | Illness | In the last 12 months did you feel that you were treated worse by health care providers for any of the following reasons. Because of your: Type of illness |
q7334 | Nationality | In the last 12 months did you feel that you were treated worse by health care providers for any of the following reasons. Because of your: Nationality |
q7400 | Name of last hospital stayed | What was the name of the last hospital or long term care facility you [child] stayed in, in the last 5 years ? |
q7401 | Who run the hospital | Was the hospital or long term care facility: - operated by the government - privately operated - NGO - other |
q7402 | when was your last stay | When was your [child's] last overnight stay? - In the last 4 weeks - In the last year - In the last 2 years - In the last 3 years - In the last 5 years |
q7403 | Reason for last overnight stay | Which of the following best describes the reason for your [child's] last overnight stay? - High fever, severe diarrhoea, or cough - Childbirth - Arthritis - Asthma - Heart disease - Bodily injury - Minor surgery - Other |
q7404 | How long was your stay on this occasion | How long was your [child's] stay on this occasion? - 1-2 days - 3-5 days - 6-14 days - 15 days and more |
q7405 | Skill of health care provider | In your opinion, was the skill of the health care providers adequate for your [child’s] treatment? |
q7406 | Hospitals equipment | In your opinion, was the hospital's equipment adequate for your [child’s] treatment? |
q7407 | Drug supplies | In your opinion, were the hospital's drug supplies adequate for your [child’s] treatment? |
q7408 | How long to get there | Thinking about your last hospital stay, how long did it take you [child’s] to get there? |
q7409 | How you got there | Thinking about your [child’s] last hospital stay, how did you get there? - Private car or motorcycle - Public transport - Ambulance - Bicycle - Walked - Other |
q7410 | How long before being admitted to hospital | For your [child’s] last hospital stay, how long from the time you needed hospital care did you wait to be admitted to hospital? - same day - less than 1 week - less than 1 month - less than 3 months - 3 months and more |
q7411 | Doctors fees | Thinking about your [child’s] last hospital stay, how much did you or your household pay for: Doctor's fees |
q7412 | Drugs | Thinking about your [child’s] last hospital stay, how much did you or your household pay for: Medicines |
q7413 | Tests | Thinking about your [child’s] last hospital stay, how much did you or your household pay for: Tests |
q7414 | Transport | Thinking about your [child’s] last hospital stay, how much did you or your household pay for: Transport |
q7415 | Other | Thinking about your [child’s] last hospital stay, how much did you or your household pay for: Other |
q7416 | Pay less because of government discount | Did you or your household pay less than the normal health care fees because of a government discount or exemption? |
q7417 | How many people slept in same room | Thinking about your [child’s] last hospital stay, how many people slept in the same room as you? |
q7418 | Rating of traveling time to the hospital | For your [child’s] last hospital stay, how would you rate the travelling time to the hospital? |
q7419 | Amount of waiting time before being attended to | For your [child’s] last hospital stay, how would you rate the amount of time you waited before being attended to? |
q7420 | Where you greeted and talked to respectfully during last hospital stay? | For your [child’s] last hospital stay, how would you rate your experience of being greeted and talked to respectfully? |
q7421 | Privacy during physical examinations and treatments | For your [child’s] last hospital stay, how would you rate the way your privacy was respected during physical examinations and treatments? |
q7422 | rate your experience with clear explanations | For you [child’s] last hospital stay, how would you rate the experience of how clearly health care providers explained things to you? |
q7423 | Was there enough time to ask questions during last hospital stay | For your [child’s] last hospital stay, how would you rate your experience of getting enough time to ask questions about your health problem or treatment? |
q7424 | Getting information and other types of treatments or tests | For your [child’s] last hospital stay, how would you rate your experience of getting information about other types of treatments or tests? |
q7425 | Rating of participation in making decisions about health care or treatment | For your [child’s] last hospital stay, how would you rate your experience of being involved in making decisions about your health care or treatment? |
q7426 | Ability to talk privately to health care providers | For your [child’s] last hospital stay, how would you rate the way the health services ensured you could talk privately to health care providers? |
q7427 | Confidentiality of personal information | For your [child’s] last hospital stay, how would you rate the way your personal information was kept confidential? |
q7428 | Ability to choose hospital | For your [child’s] last hospital stay, how would you rate the freedom you had to choose the health care providers that attend to you [your child]? |
q7429 | Rating cleanliness of rooms | For your [child’s] last hospital stay, how would you rate the cleanliness of the rooms inside the facility, including toilets? |
q7430 | Amount of space | For your [child’s] last hospital stay, how would you rate the amount of space you had? |
q7431 | Ease with which family and friends could visit during hospital stay | For your [child’s] last hospital stay, how would you rate the ease of having family and friends visit you? |
q7432 | Staying in contact with outside world during stay in hospital | For your [child’s] last hospital stay, how would you rate your experience of staying in contact with the outside world when you were in hospital? |
q7433 | Sex | In the last 5 years did you feel that you were treated worse by the health care providers at the hospital for any of the following reasons. Because of your: Sex |
q7434 | Age | In the last 5 years did you feel that you were treated worse by the health care providers at the hospital for any of the following reasons. Because of your: Age |
q7435 | Lack of money | In the last 5 years did you feel that you were treated worse by the health care providers at the hospital for any of the following reasons. Because of your: Lack of money |
q7436 | Social class | In the last 5 years did you feel that you were treated worse by the health care providers at the hospital for any of the following reasons. Because of your: Social class |
q7437 | Race | In the last 5 years did you feel that you were treated worse by the health care providers at the hospital for any of the following reasons. Because of your: Ethnic group or colour |
q7438 | Type of illness | In the last 5 years did you feel that you were treated worse by the health care providers at the hospital for any of the following reasons. Because of your: Type of illness |
q7439 | Nationality | In the last 5 years did you feel that you were treated worse by the health care providers at the hospital for any of the following reasons. Because of your: Nationality |
q7500 | Record Set | ||
q7501a | R-Vignette - Set A Q-1 | How would you rate his travelling time? |
q7502a | R-Vignette - Set A Q-2 | How would you rate the amount of time he waited before being attended to? |
q7503a | R-Vignette - Set A Q-3 | How would you rate her experience of being greeted and talked to respectfully? |
q7504a | R-Vignette - Set A Q-4 | How would you rate the way her privacy was respected during physical examinations and treatments? |
q7505a | R-Vignette - Set A Q-5 | How would you rate his travelling time? |
q7506a | R-Vignette - Set A Q-6 | How would you rate the amount of time he waited before being attended to? |
q7507a | R-Vignette - Set A Q-7 | How would you rate his experience of being greeted and talked to respectfully? |
q7508a | R-Vignette - Set A Q-8 | How would you rate the way his privacy was respected during physical examinations and treatments? |
q7509a | R-Vignette - Set A Q-9 | How would you rate his travelling time? |
q7510a | R-Vignette - Set A Q-10 | How would you rate the amount of time he waited before being attended to? |
q7511a | R-Vignette - Set A Q-11 | How would you rate her experience of being greeted and talked to respectfully? |
q7512a | R-Vignette - Set A Q-12 | How would you rate the way her privacy was respected during physical examinations and treatments? |
q7513a | R-Vignette - Set A Q-13 | How would you rate her travelling time? |
q7514a | R-Vignette - Set A Q-14 | How would you rate the amount of time she waited before being attended to? |
q7515a | R-Vignette - Set A Q-15 | How would you rate her experience of being greeted and talked to respectfully? |
q7516a | R-Vignette - Set A Q-16 | How would you rate the way her privacy was respected during physical examinations and treatments? |
q7517a | R-Vignette - Set A Q-17 | How would you rate her travelling time? |
q7518a | R-Vignette - Set A Q-18 | How would you rate the amount of time she waited before being attended to? |
q7519a | R-Vignette - Set A Q-19 | How would you rate his experience of being greeted and talked to respectfully? |
q7520a | R-Vignette - Set A Q-20 | How would you rate the way his privacy was respected during physical examinations and treatments? |
q7501b | R-Vignette - Set B Q-1 | How would you rate his experience of how clearly health care providers explained things to him? |
q7502b | R-Vignette - Set B Q-2 | How would you rate his experience of how clearly health care providers explained things to him? |
q7503b | R-Vignette - Set B Q-3 | How would you rate the cleanliness of the rooms inside the facility, including toilets? |
q7504b | R-Vignette - Set B Q-4 | How would you rate the amount of space [Wing] had? |
q7505b | R-Vignette - Set B Q-5 | How would you rate her experience of how clearly health care providers explained things to her? |
q7506b | R-Vignette - Set B Q-6 | How would you rate her experience of getting enough time to ask questions about her health problem or treatment? |
q7507b | R-Vignette - Set B Q-7 | How would you rate the cleanliness of the rooms inside the facility, including toilets? |
q7508b | R-Vignette - Set B Q-8 | How would you rate the amount of space [Shedra] had? |
q7509b | R-Vignette - Set B Q-9 | How would you rate her experience of how clearly health care providers explained things to her? |
q7510b | R-Vignette - Set B Q-10 | How would you rate her experience of getting enough time to ask questions about her health problem or treatment? |
q7511b | R-Vignette - Set B Q-11 | How would you rate the cleanliness of the rooms inside the facility, including toilets? |
q7512b | R-Vignette - Set B Q-12 | How would you rate the amount of space [Kamal] had? |
q7513b | R-Vignette - Set B Q-13 | How would you rate her experience of how clearly health care providers explained things to her? |
q7514b | R-Vignette - Set B Q-14 | How would you rate her experience of getting enough time to ask questions about her health problem or treatment? |
q7515b | R-Vignette - Set B Q-15 | How would you rate the cleanliness of the rooms inside the facility, including toilets? |
q7516b | R-Vignette - Set B Q-16 | How would you rate the amount of space [Hans] had? |
q7517b | R-Vignette - Set B Q-17 | How would you rate his experience of how clearly health care providers explained things to him? |
q7518b | R-Vignette - Set B Q-18 | How would you rate his experience of getting enough time to ask questions about his health problem or treatment? |
q7519b | R-Vignette - Set B Q-19 | How would you rate the cleanliness of the rooms inside the facility, including toilets? |
q7520b | R-Vignette - Set B Q-20 | How would you rate the amount of space [José] had? |
q7501c | R-Vignette - Set C Q-1 | How would you rate the way the health services ensured [Simon] could talk privately to health care providers? |
q7502c | R-Vignette - Set C Q-2 | How would you rate the way [Simon’s] personal information was kept confidential? |
q7503c | R-Vignette - Set C Q-3 | How would you rate [Mamadou’s] freedom to choose her health care provider? |
q7504c | R-Vignette - Set C Q-4 | How would you rate the way health care involves [Chad] in deciding what services it provides and where it provides them? |
q7505c | R-Vignette - Set C Q-5 | How would you rate the way the health services ensured [Rebecca] could talk privately to health care providers? |
q7506c | R-Vignette - Set C Q-6 | How would you rate the way [Rebecca’s] personal information was kept confidential? |
Total variable(s):
681 |