Sénégal - World Health Survey (2003)
ID de référence | SEN-OMS-WHS-2003 |
Année | 2003 |
Pays | Sénégal |
Producteur(s) | Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) |
Bailleur(s) | Organisation mondiale de la santé - OMS - |
Collection(s) | |
Métadonnées | Documentation au format PDF |
Page web de l'étude |
Créé le
Sep 20, 2019
Dernière modification
Sep 20, 2019
Affichage par page
Dictionnaire de données
Fichier de données: WHS-Senegal_F5
Enregistrements | 0 |
Variable(s) | 681 |
Structure: | Type: relational Clés: id (Identification) |
Nom | Libellé | Question | |
q7507c | R-Vignette - Set C Q-7 | How would you rate [William’s] freedom to choose his health care provider? |
q7508c | R-Vignette - Set C Q-8 | How would you rate the way health care involves [Sarah] in deciding what services it provides and where it provides them? |
q7509c | R-Vignette - Set C Q-9 | How would you rate the way the health services ensured [Elma] could talk privately to health care providers? |
q7510c | R-Vignette - Set C Q-10 | How would you rate the way [Elma’s] personal information was kept confidential? |
q7511c | R-Vignette - Set C Q-11 | How would you rate [Penelope’s] freedom to choose her health care provider? |
q7512c | R-Vignette - Set C Q-12 | How would you rate the way health care involves [Zana] in deciding what services it provides and where it provides them? |
q7513c | R-Vignette - Set C Q-13 | How would you rate the way the health services ensured [Alouine] could talk privately to health care providers? |
q7514c | R-Vignette - Set C Q-14 | How would you rate the way [Alouine’s] personal information was kept confidential? |
q7515c | R-Vignette - Set C Q-15 | How would you rate [Ibrahim’s] freedom to choose his health care provider? |
q7516c | R-Vignette - Set C Q-16 | How would you rate the way health care involves [Tarek] in deciding what services it provides and where it provides them? |
q7517c | R-Vignette - Set C Q-17 | How would you rate the way the health services ensured [Ken] could talk privately to health care providers? |
q7518c | R-Vignette - Set C Q-18 | How would you rate the way [Ken’s] personal information was kept confidential? |
q7519c | R-Vignette - Set C Q-19 | How would you rate [Nathan’s] freedom to choose his health care provider? |
q7501d | R-Vignette - Set D Q-1 | For[Sally’s] last hospital stay, how would you rate the ease of having family and friends visit her? |
q7502d | R-Vignette - Set D Q-2 | For [Sally’s] last hospital stay, how would you rate her experience of staying in contact with the outside world when she was in hospital? |
q7503d | R-Vignette - Set D Q-3 | How would you rate [Jasmina’s] experience of getting information about other types of treatments or tests? |
q7504d | R-Vignette - Set D Q-4 | How would you rate [Jasmina’s] experience of being involved in making decisions about her health care or treatment? |
q7505d | R-Vignette - Set D Q-5 | For [Joseph’s] last hospital stay, how would you rate the ease of having family and friends visit him? |
q7506d | R-Vignette - Set D Q-6 | For [Joseph’s] last hospital stay, how would you rate his experience of staying in contact with the outside world when he was in hospital? |
q7507d | R-Vignette - Set D Q-7 | How would you rate [Mark’s] experience of getting information about other types of treatments or tests? |
q7508d | R-Vignette - Set D Q-8 | How would you rate [Mark’s] experience of being involved in making decisions about his health care or treatment? |
q7509d | R-Vignette - Set D Q-9 | For[Tamara’s] last hospital stay, how would you rate the ease of having family and friends visit her? |
q7510d | R-Vignette - Set D Q-10 | For [Tamara’s] last hospital stay, how would you rate her experience of staying in contact with the outside world when she was in hospital? |
q7511d | R-Vignette - Set D Q-11 | How would you rate [Bob’s] experience of getting information about other types of treatments or tests? |
q7512d | R-Vignette - Set D Q-12 | How would you rate [Bob’s] experience of being involved in making decisions about his health care or treatment? |
q7513d | R-Vignette - Set D Q-13 | For [Carol’s] last hospital stay, how would you rate the ease of having family and friends visit her? |
q7514d | R-Vignette - Set D Q-14 | For [Carol’s] last hospital stay, how would you rate her experience of staying in contact with the outside world when she was in hospital? |
q7515d | R-Vignette - Set D Q-15 | How would you rate [Sarah’s] experience of getting information about other types of treatments or tests? |
q7516d | R-Vignette - Set D Q-16 | How would you rate [Sarah’s] experience of being involved in making decisions about her health care or treatment? |
q7517d | R-Vignette - Set D Q-17 | For [Jane’s] last hospital stay, how would you rate the ease of having family and friends visit her? |
q7518d | R-Vignette - Set D Q-18 | For [Jane’s] last hospital stay, how would you rate her experience of staying in contact with the outside world when she was in hospital? |
q7519d | R-Vignette - Set D Q-19 | How would you rate [Tara’s] experience of getting information about other types of treatments or tests? |
q7520d | R-Vignette - Set D Q-20 | How would you rate [Tara’s] experience of being involved in making decisions about her health care or treatment? |
q7000te | Time end section 7000 | ||
q8000tb | Time begin section 8000 | ||
q8000 | control the important things | In the last month: How often have you felt that you were unable to control the important things in your life? |
q8001 | could not cope with all the things | In the last month: How often have you found that you could not cope with all the things that you had to do? |
q8002 | Satisfied with health | How satisfied are you with your health? |
q8003 | Rank 1 (most important goal) | Health Systems Goals |
q8004 | Rank 2 | Health Systems Goals |
q8005 | Rank 3 | Health Systems Goals |
q8006 | Rank 4 | Health Systems Goals |
q8007 | Rank 5 (least important goal) | Health Systems Goals |
q8008 | Did you vote | Lots of people find it difficult to get out and vote. Did you vote in the last state/national/presidential election? |
q8009 | trust national government | How much of the time do you think you can trust the NATIONAL government to do what is right ? |
q8010 | trust the local government | How about your LOCAL government? How much of the time do you think you can trust the LOCAL government to do what is right? |
q8011 | how safe do you feel when you are alone at home | In general, how safe from crime and violence do you feel when you are alone at home? |
q8012 | how safe do you feel when walking down your street alone | How safe do you feel when walking down your street alone after dark? |
q8013 | anyone in your household been the victim of a violent crime | In the past year, have you or anyone in your household been the victim of a violent crime, such as assault or mugging? |
q8014 | how much do you have in getting the government to address issues | How much say do you have in getting the government to address issues that interest you? |
q8015 | How free do you think you are to express yourself without fear of government rep | How free do you think you are to express yourself without fear of government reprisal? |
q8100 | Record Set | ||
q8101 | 8000 vignette 1 (set A) | [Jane] lacks clean drinking water because the government is pursuing an industrial development plan. In the campaign for an upcoming election, an opposition party has promised to address the issue, but she feels it would be futile to vote for the opposition since the government is certain to win. |
q8102 | 8000 vignette 2 (set A) | [Alison] lacks clean drinking water. She and her neighbours are supporting an opposition candidate in the forthcoming elections that has promised to address the issue. It appears that so many people in her area feel the same way that the opposition candidate will defeat the incumbent representative. |
q8103 | 8000 vignette 3 (set A) | [Moses] lacks clean drinking water. He would like to change this, but he can’t vote, and feels that no one in the government cares about this issue. So he suffers in silence, hoping something will be done in the future. |
q8104 | 8000 vignette 4 (set A) | [Imelda] lacks clean drinking water. She and her neighbours are drawing attention to the issue by collecting signatures on a petition. They plan to present the petition to each of the political parties before the upcoming election. |
q8105 | 8000 vignette 5 (set A) | [Toshiro] lacks clean drinking water. There is a group of local leaders who could do something about the problem, but they have said that industrial development is the most important policy right now instead of clean water. |
q8106 | 8000 vignette 1 (setB) | [Bob] has political views at odds with the government. He has heard of people occasionally being arrested for speaking out against the government, and government leaders sometimes make political speeches condemning those who criticize. He sometimes writes letters to newspapers about politics, but he is careful not to use his real name. |
q8107 | 8000 vignette 2 (set B) | [Kay] does not like many of the government’s policies. She frequently publishes her opinion in newspapers, criticizing decisions by officials and calling for change. She sees little reason these actions could lead to government reprisal. |
q8108 | 8000 vignette 3 (set B) | [Connie] does not like the government’s stance on many issues. She has a friend who was arrested for being too openly critical of governmental leaders, and so she avoids voicing her opinions in public places. |
q8109 | 8000 vignette 4 (set B) | [Sonny] lives in fear of being harassed for his political views. Everyone he knows who has spoken out against the government has been arrested or taken away. He never says a word about anything the government does, not even when he is at home alone with his family. |
q8110 | 8000 vignette 5 (set B) | [Michael] disagrees with many of the government’s policies. Though he knows criticism is frowned upon, he doesn’t believe the government would punish someone for expressing critical views. He makes his opinion known on most issues without regard to who is listening. |
q8111 | 8000 vignette 6 (set B) | [Vito] disagrees with many of the government’s policies, and is very careful about whom he says this to, reserving his real opinions for family and close friends only. He knows several men who have been taken away by government officials for saying negative things in public. |
q8000te | Time end section 8000 | ||
q9000tb | Time begin section 9000 | ||
q9000 | hearing problem | Did the respondent have a hearing problem? |
q9001 | vision problem | Did the respondent have a vision problem? |
q9002 | wheelchair | Did the respondent use a wheelchair? |
q9003 | cane/crutches/walker | Did the respondent use cane / crutches / walker? |
q9004 | difficulties walking | Did the respondent have any difficulties walking? |
q9005 | paralysis in the arms hands or legs | Did the respondent have paralysis in the arms, hands or legs? |
q9006 | cough continually | Did the respondent cough continually? |
q9007 | shortness of breath | Did the respondent have shortness of breath? |
q9008 | mental problem | Did the respondent have a mental problem? |
q9009 | other health problem | Did the respondent other health problem? |
q9010 | have an amputation of a limb | Did the respondent have an amputation of a limb or part of a limb? |
q9011 | The respondent cooperation was | The respondent cooperation was: |
q9012 | Accuracy and completeness of respondent | Accuracy and completeness of respondent’s answers: |
q9013 | unusual circumstances | Any unusual circumstances or happenings during the interview: |
q9014 | Other comments | Any other comments: |
q9000te | Time end section 9000 | ||
Total variable(s):
681 |