Inventaire d'enquêtes Demostaf


1 Henry, Sabine, Victor Piché, Dieudonné Ouédraogo, and E. Lambin. "Descriptive Analysis of the Individual Migratory Pathways According to Environmental Typologies." Population and Environment , no. 25 (2004).
2 Henry, Sabine. L'impact de l'environnement naturel sur la migration : synthèse del'apport des analyse macro et micro. Paris (FR): L'Harmattan ; Presses Universitaires de Ouagadougou, 2007.
3 Henry, Sabine. The influence of the natural environment on migratin in Burkina Faso. Louvain-la-Neuve (BE): UCL, 2003.
4 Dos Santos, Stéphanie, and Sabine Henry. "Rainfall variation as a factor in child survival in rural Burkina Faso: the benefit of an event-history analysis." Population Space and Place 14, no. 1 (2008): p. 1-20.
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