Burkina Faso - Observatoire de santé et de population de Nouna (1992 - en cours)
ID de référence | BFA-CRSN-HDSS-NOUNA-1992-c |
Année | 1992 |
Pays | Burkina Faso |
Producteur(s) |
Ali Sié - Dir. du Centre de recherche en santé de Nouna, résponsable du HDSS Nouna Centre de recherche en santé de Nouna (CRSN) - Ministère de la Santé, administration du HDSS Nouna |
Bailleur(s) | Université de Heidelberg, Allemagne - - Appui financier Ministère des sciences et de l'art, Land Baden Württemberg, Allemagne - - Appui financier Ministère de la santé, Burkina Faso - - Appui financier OMS, Recherche sur les maladies |
Collection(s) | |
Métadonnées |
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Créé le
Sep 26, 2017
Dernière modification
Aug 07, 2019
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Bibliographie relative à l'étude
Found: 15
Anker, M. "The effect of misclassification error on reported cause-specific mortality fractions from verbal autopsy." International Journal of Epidemiology 26, no. 5 (1997): 1090-1096.
Becher, Heiko, and Bocar Kouyaté. Health Research in Developing Countries: A collaboration between Burkina Faso and Germany. : Springer Science & Business Media, 2005.
Beiersmann, C., M. Bountogo, J. Tiendrébeogo, V. R. Louis, S. Gabrysch, M. Yé, A. Jahn, and O. Müller. "Malnutrition in young children of rural Burkina Faso: comparison of survey data from 1999 with 2009." Tropical Medicine & International Health 17, no. 6 (2012): 715-721.
Dambach, Peter, Vanessa Machault, Jean-Pierre Lacaux, Cécile Vignolles, Ali Sié, and Rainer Sauerborn. "Utilization of combined remote sensing techniques to detect environmental variables influencing malaria vector densities in rural West Africa." International Journal of Health Geographics (2012).
Dambach, Peter, Ali Sié, Jean-Pierre Lacaux, Cécile Vignolles, Vanessa Machault, and Rainer Sauerborn. "Using high spatial resolution remote sensing for risk mapping of malaria occurrence in the Nouna district, Burkina Faso." Global Health Action 2, no. 1 (2009): 2094.
De Allegri, Manuela, Valérie R Louis, Justin Tiendrébeogo, Aurelia Souares, Maurice Yé, Yesim Tozan, Albrecht Jahn, and Olaf Mueller. "Moving towards universal coverage with malaria control interventions: achievements and challenges in rural Burkina Faso." The International Journal of Health Planning and Management 28, no. 1 (2013): 102-121.
Diboulo, Eric, Ali Sié, Joacim Rocklöv, Louis Niamba, Maurice Yé, Cheik Bagagnan, and Rainer Sauerborn. "Weather and mortality: a 10 year retrospective analysis of the Nouna Health and Demographic Surveillance System, Burkina Faso." Global Health Action 5, no. 1 (2012): 19078.
Duclos, Vincent, Maurice Yé, Kagoné Moubassira, Hamidou Sanou, N Hélène Sawadogo, Gilles Bibeau, and Ali Sié. "Situating mobile health: a qualitative study of mHealth expectations in the rural health district of Nouna, Burkina Faso." Health Research Policy And Systems 15, no. Suppl 1 (2017): 47-47.
Lankoande, Bruno, and Ali Sié. "Migration sélective des adultes et inégalités face au décès entre milieu urbains et ruraux au Burkina Faso." Population 72, no. 2 (2017): 201-224.
Lietz, Henrike, Moustapha Lingani, Ali Sié, Rainer Sauerborn, Aurelia Souares, and Yesim Tozan. "Measuring population health: costs of alternative survey approaches in the Nouna Health and Demographic Surveillance System in rural Burkina Faso." Global Health Action (2015).
Louis, Valérie R., Joëlle Bals, Justin Tiendrebéogo, Mamadou Bountogo, Heribert Ramroth, Manuela De Allegri, Corneille Traoré, Claudia Beiersmann, Boubacar Coulibaly, Maurice Yé, Albrecht Jahn, Heiko Becher, and Olaf Müller. "Long-term effects of malaria prevention with insecticide-treated mosquito nets on morbidity and mortality in African children: randomised controlled trial." Tropical Medicine & International Health 17, no. 6 (2012): 733-741.
Ouédraogo, Nobila, Moubassira Kagoné, Ali Sié, Heiko Becher, and Olaf Müller. "Immunization coverage in young children: A study nested into a health and demographic surveillance system in Burkina Faso." Journal of Tropical Pediatrics 59, no. 3 (2013): 187-194.
Ramroth, Heribert, Eva Lorenz, Johanna C. Rankin, Edward Fottrell, Maurice Yé, Florian Neuhann, Mark Ssennono, Ali Sié, Peter Byass, and Heiko Becher. "Cause of death distribution with InterVA and physician coding in a rural area of Burkina Faso." Tropical Medicine & International Health 17, no. 7 (2012): 904-913.
Robyn, Paul Jacob, Günther Fink, Ali Sié, and Rainer Sauerborn. "Health insurance and health-seeking behavior: Evidence from a randomized community-based insurance rollout in rural Burkina Faso." Social Science & Medicine 75, no. 4 (2012): 595-603.
Sié, Ali, ValérieR Louis, Adjima Gbangou, Olaf Müller, Louis Niamba, Gabriele Stieglbauer, Maurice Yé, Bocar Kouyaté, Rainer Sauerborn, and Heiko Becher. "The Health and Demographic Surveillance System (HDSS) in Nouna, Burkina Faso, 1993–2007." Global Health Action 3, no. 1 (2010): 5284.