Madagascar, Mali, Sénégal, Kenya, Maroc, Mexique, Nicaragua - RuralStruc Household Survey (2007-2008)
ID de référence | MMS-RSPCT-RSHS-2007-2008 |
Année | 2007 - 2009 |
Pays | Madagascar, Mali, Sénégal, Kenya, Maroc, Mexique, Nicaragua |
Producteur(s) | RuralStruc Program Coordination Team - Banque mondiale ; Ministère des affaires étrangères et européennes (France) ; Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le dévelop |
Bailleur(s) | RuralStruc Multi Donor Trust Fund - RuralStruc MDTF - Financement de l'ensemble du programme RuralStruc Banque mondiale - BM - Contribution au financement Agence française de développement - AFD - Contribution au financement Ministère d |
Collection(s) | |
Métadonnées | Documentation au format PDF |
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Sep 06, 2019
Dernière modification
Sep 06, 2019
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Dictionnaire de données
Fichier de données: RuralStruc Merged_v1.0
Contenu | The file contains data extracted and/or derived from data extracted from the seven data sets that were prepared by theseven participating national teams of the RuralStruc program. The file was generated using a data mining, statistical package named SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences v17.0) available on external resources. |
Enregistrements | 0 |
Variable(s) | 171 |
Version | v1.0 |
Producteur | The data file was produced by RuralStruc coordination team, based on the data sets provided by the seven participating country teams. |
Données manquantes | Missing data were not given sany specific coding and corresponds to the SPSS coding "Sysmiss". |
Nom | Libellé | Question | |
Id | identification of the household | See imputation and derivation. |
c_Country | Code of country | See imputation and derivation. |
c_Zone | Identification of the level of analysis | Kenya: p1 Province Mada:p1 J41 Mali: p1 Code village Maroc: p1 Nom de la commune rurale Mexico: p1 Municipio Nicaragua: p1 Municipio Senegal p1 A1 |
Num_hh | Identification number of the household | See imputation and derivation. |
c_Qtl_Zone_RevG_EqA | Quintile Groups of households | See imputation and derivation. |
Nb_PersonTot_hh | Number of members in the household, including long-term migrants | See imputation and derivation. |
Nb_PersonPres_hh | Number of members of the household excluding long-term migrants | See imputation and derivation. |
Nb_EqA_hh | Number of adult equivalent in the household, based on all the present members of | See imputation and derivation. |
Nb_EAP_Tot_hh | Total Number of Economically Active Population in the HH | See imputation and derivation. |
Nb_EAP_Male_hh | Number of economically active males (aged 15-64 yrs) in the household (current m | See imputation and derivation. |
Nb_EAP_Fem_hh | Number of economically active females (aged 15-64 yrs) in the household (current | See imputation and derivation. |
Ratio_Activity | nb active/nb inactive members (members of the total household, including all mig | See imputation and derivation. |
Ratio_Dependency | nb inactive/nb active members (members of the households that are present, excl | See imputation and derivation. |
Nb_Children_hh | Nb of children (under 15) | See imputation and derivation. |
Ratio_Children | Nb of children / total size of the household (including all migrants) | See imputation and derivation. |
Age_Head | Age of the head of household (in years) | Kenya:p2 Module 1 Id and age Madagascar:p2 module M 01 M5 Mali:p1 Age and p3 M1/4 1/CE Morocco:p1 M11 Age (en annees) Mexico: p4 Q24 Nicaragua: p2 Q13 C3.1 C5 Senegal: p3-4 section B 01 B9 |
c_Sex_Head | Sex of the head of household | Kenya: p2 Module 1 Id and sex Madagascar: p2 module M 01 M4 Mali: p1 Sexe CE and p3 M1/4 1/CE Morocco: p1 M11 Sexe Mexico: p4 Q25 Nicaragua: p2 Q13 C3.1 C4.1 Senegal: p3-4 section B 01 B10 |
c_Educ_Head | Education level of the head of household | Kenya: p2 Module 1 Id and D4 Madagascar:p2 module M 01 S3.a and S3.b Mali: p3 M1/4 1/CE *4 Morocco: p1 M11 Niveau de scolarisation Mexico: p5 Q29 Nicaragua: p2 Q13 C3.1 C7 Senegal: p3-4 section B 01 B12 |
Index_Network_Head | Network Index of the HH head (sum of the memberships) | See imputation and derivation. |
c_Migr | Households with migrants | See imputation and derivation. |
c_MigrLT | Households with long term migrants | See imputation and derivation. |
Nb_Migr_Tot_hh | Total number of migrants | See imputation and derivation. |
Nb_MigrLTTot_hh | Number of long term migrants (males + females) | See imputation and derivation. |
Nb_MigrLTMale_hh | Number of male long-term migrants (who are not included in the present populatio | See imputation and derivation. |
Nb_MigrLTFem_hh | Number of female long term-migrants (who are not included in the present populat | See imputation and derivation. |
Nb_MigrLTCapital_hh | Number of long-term migrants migrating to the national capital | See imputation and derivation. |
Nb_MigrLTRestCountry_hh | Number of long-term migrants migrating somewhere in the country, other than the | See imputation and derivation. |
Nb_MigrLTAbroad_hh | Number of long term-migrants migrating abroad | See imputation and derivation. |
c_MigrST | Household with short term migrants | See imputation and derivation. |
Nb_MigrST_Tot_hh | Number of short term migrants | See imputation and derivation. |
Nb_MigrSTMale_hh | Number of male short-term migrants (who are not included in the present populati | See imputation and derivation. |
Nb_MigrSTFem_hh | Number of female short term-migrants (who are not included in the present popula | See imputation and derivation. |
Nb_MigrSTCapital_hh | Number of short-term migrants migrating to the national capital | See imputation and derivation. |
Nb_MigrSTRestCountry_hh | Number of short-term migrants migrating somewhere in the country, other than the | See imputation and derivation. |
Nb_MigrSTAbroad_hh | Number of short term-migrants migrating abroad | See imputation and derivation. |
c_withFarm | Household having a farm with crop production, livestock production and/or agricu | See imputation and derivation. |
c_withAgriculture | Household with agricultural activities, including agricultural labor (=with ag. | See imputation and derivation. |
c_OffFarm | Household with off-farm income source | See imputation and derivation. |
Per_OffFarm | % of Off-Farm Income in global Income | See imputation and derivation. |
c_AgLab | Households with agricultural labor | See imputation and derivation. |
c_NonAgLabor | Households with non ag labor | See imputation and derivation. |
c_SelfEmpl | Households with self-employment | See imputation and derivation. |
c_Remitt | Households with Remittances | See imputation and derivation. |
c_PubTransf | Households with public transfers | See imputation and derivation. |
c_Transf | Households with transfers (public transfers and remittances) | See imputation and derivation. |
Ha_LandUsed_hh | Farm area used by household for crops and breeding, including fallow land occupi | See imputation and derivation. |
Ha_LandProp_hh | Area in property/ownership (area cultivated or fallow land, excluding land rente | See imputation and derivation. |
Ha_LandIrrig_hh | Irrigated area (in Ha) | See imputation and derivation. |
c_Irrigation | Access to irrigation | See imputation and derivation. |
c_IrrigPump | Access to an irrigation pump | Kenya: p17 Agricultural equipment Q66 Type 5.irrigation pump Madagascar: Module additif X_E qX_E1 Mali:p6 M2/1 Morocco: p11 M23 Motopompe Mexico: Q107 c Nicaragua:p8 q60 c11.19 Senegal:p16 section I I1 |
c_MicroIrrig | Access to micro-irrigation | Kenya: p17 Agricultural equipment Q66 Type 4.micro-irrigation equipment Madagascar: Module additif X_E qX_E1;Mali:p6 M2/1 Morocco:p11M23 Goutteurs Mexico:Q107 m Nicaragua: p8 q60 c11 Senegal: p16 section I I1 |
c_LevelMeca | Access to draft force (ownership, rental or service) | See imputation and derivation. |
c_Tractor | Access to a tractor | Kenya:p17 Agricultural equipment Q66 and type 7.tractor Madagascar:Module additif X_E qX_E1.01 Mali:p6 M2/1 Morocco:p11 M23 Mexico:Q107 a Nicaragua:p8 q60 c11.10 Senegal:p16 section I I1 |
c_AnimPlough | Access to animal plough | Kenya: p17 Agricultural equipment Q66 and type 1.animal traction Madagascar: Module additif X_E qX_E1.08 Mali:p6 M2/1 Morocco:p11 M23 Mexico:Q107 Nicaragua:p8 q60 c11.5 Senegal:p16 section I I1 |
c_Tiller | Access to a tiller | Kenya: p17 Agricultural equipment Q66 and type 2.motorised traction Madagascar:Module additif X_E qX_E1.02 Mali:p6 M2/1 Morocco:p11 M23 Mexico:Q107 Nicaragua:p8 q60 c11.12 Senegal:p16 section I I1 |
c_TechPackage | Adoption of modern technical package (improved seeds, fertilizers, etc.) for the | See imputation and derivation. |
c_Manure | Production and use of manure | See imputation and derivation. |
Q_Rice_hh | Annual rice production, in kg | Kenya:p20 Main season crop quantity produced Madagascar:p5 Module R R23;Mali:p14 M4/7 Mali: p14 M4/7 Morocco:p14 M311 quantite produite (qx)x prix unitaire de vente Mexico:Q129 and Q159 Nicaragua:p9 q61 c1 and c5 Senegal:p20 section K K1 and K4 |
Q_Maize_hh | Annual maize production, in kg | Kenya:p20 Main season crop quantity produced Madagascar:p5 Module R R23;Mali:p14 M4/7 Mali: p14 M4/7 Morocco:p14 M311 quantite produite (qx)x prix unitaire de vente Mexico:Q129 and Q159 Nicaragua:p9 q61 c1 and c5 Senegal:p20 section K K1 and K4 |
Q_Wheat_hh | Annual wheat production, in kg | Kenya:p20 Main season crop quantity produced Madagascar:p5 Module R R23;Mali:p14 M4/7 Mali: p14 M4/7 Morocco:p14 M311 quantite produite (qx)x prix unitaire de vente Mexico:Q129 and Q159 Nicaragua:p9 q61 c1 and c5 Senegal:p20 section K K1 and K4 |
Nb_Draftanimals_hh | Nb of draft oxen or horses | See imputation and derivation. |
Nb_CattleTot_hh | Total nb of cattle heads | See imputation and derivation. |
Nb_CattleAdult_hh | Nb of adult cattle heads | See imputation and derivation. |
Nb_SmallRum_hh | Nb of small ruminants | See imputation and derivation. |
Nb_DraughtOx_hh | nb of draft oxen | See imputation and derivation. |
Nb_Horse_hh | nb of horses | See imputation and derivation. |
Nb_Donk_hh | nb of donkeys | See imputation and derivation. |
Nb_Bulls4_hh | nb of young bulls (over 4) | See imputation and derivation. |
Nb_Cows4_hh | nb of cows (over 4) | See imputation and derivation. |
Nb_Youngs2and4_hh | Nb of young cattle heads (between 2 and 4) | See imputation and derivation. |
Nb_Porks_hh | Nb of porks | See imputation and derivation. |
Nb_Poultry_hh | Nb of poultry | See imputation and derivation. |
Nb_UTB_hh | Nb of Tropical Livestock Unit | See imputation and derivation. |
Nb_InCattleTot_hh | Nb of cattle entered in the herd | Kenya:p25 Livestock Q79 In (number of animal added the last one year) Madagascar:p9 Module EL ELE_LIG and ELE_L1 and ELE_D Mali:p9 M3/5 Morocco:p13 M253 Mexico:Q215 Nicaragua:p15 q76 c1 and c3-c4-c5 Senegal:p24 section M M4 |
Nb_Purch_CattleTot_hh | Nb of cattle heads (all ages) purchased | Kenya:p25 Livestock Q79 In Purchased Madagascar:p9 Module EL ELE_LIG and ELE_L1 Mali:p9 M3/5 Morocco:p13 M253 Mexico:Q215 Nicaragua:p15 q76 c1 and c3 Senegal:p24 section M M411 |
Nb_OutCattleTot_hh | Nb of cattle out of the herd | Kenya:p25 Livestock Q79 Out (out in the last one year) Madagascar:p9 Module EL ELE_LIG and ELE_I1 and ELE_E and ELE_G Mali:p10 M3/6 Morocco:p13 M253 Mexico:Q216 Nicaragua:p15 q76 c1 and c7-c8-c9 Senegal:p24 section M M6 |
Nb_Sales_CattleTot_hh | Nb of cattle heads (all ages) sold | Kenya:p25 Livestock Q79 Out Sold Madagascar:p9 Module EL ELE_LIG and ELE_I1 Mali:p10 M3/6 Morocco:p13 M253 Mexico:Q216 Nicaragua:p15 q76 c1 and c7 Senegal:p24 section M M61 |
vP_Purch02_CattleTot_hh | Value of the purchases of cattle (in PPP) | Kenya:p25 Livestock Q79 Total value fo the sales Madagascar:p9 Module EL ELE_LIG and ELE_L2 Mali:p9 M3/5 Morocco:p13 M253 Mexico:No info in the questionnaire Nicaragua:p15 q76 c1 and c6 Senegal:p24 section M M5 |
vP_Purch02_OthAnim_hh | Value of the purchases of oth animals than cattle (in PPP) | Kenya:p25 Livestock Q79 Total value fo the sales Madagascar:p9 Module EL ELE_LIG and ELE_L2 Mali:p9 M3/5 Morocco:p13 M253 Mexico:No info in the questionnaire Nicaragua:p15 q76 c1 and c6 Senegal:p24 section M M5 |
vP_Purch02_TotLiveAnim_hh | Value of the purchases of all live animals | Kenya:p25 Livestock Q79 Total value fo the sales Madagascar:p9 Module EL ELE_LIG and ELE_L2 Mali:p9 M3/5 Morocco:p13 M253 Mexico:No info in the questionnaire Nicaragua:p15 q76 c1 and c6 Senegal:p24 section M M5 |
vP_Herd_hh | Estimation of the value of the herd (valorization with the mean price per animal | See imputation and derivation. |
c_FoodSecurEvol | Evolution of food security | Kenya:p39 Evolution of food security Q93 Quality, variety and diversity of meals Madagascar:Module additif X_SA q X_ALI1 Mali:no info in the questionnaire Morocco:no info in the questionnaire Mexico:No info in the questionnaire Nicaragua:p23 Q98 and Q99 Senegal: see with the national team |
c_FoodEvol | Evolution of quality of foods | Kenya:p24 Q137 Evolution of the living conditions Food Madagascar:Module additif X_TJ qX_TJ25a Mali:p22 Q1.a Morocco:p26 M54 Qualite de la nourriture Mexico:Q258 Nicaragua:p23 q117 Senegal:p38 section S S20 |
c_FoodSecurCover | Does the household manage to cover his food expenditures? | Kenya:No info in the questionnaire Madagascar:Module additif X_SA q X_SA1 Mali:p20 Si production, est-ce qu'elle couvre les besoins and p19 Votre production cerealiere couvre t elle les besoins annuels? Morocco:no info in the questionnaire Mexico:Q257 Nicaragua:p22 Q97 c4 Senegal:p33 section Q Q4 |
c_HealthEvol | Evolution of quality of health | Kenya:p24 Q137 Evolution of the living conditions Health Madagascar:Module additif X_TJ qX_TJ25e Mali:p22 Q3.a Morocco:p26 M54 Sante Mexico:Q272c Nicaragua:p23 q119 Senegal:p38 section S S22 |
c_SchoolExp | Does the household manage to cover his schooling expenditures? | Kenya:p39 Q98 Madagascar: no info in the questionnaire Mali:p20 Arrivez vous a faire face a ces depenses Morocco:no info in the questionnaire Mexico:no info in the questionnaire Nicaragua:p23 q120 Senegal:p34 section R R6 |
c_EducEvol | Evolution of quality of education | Kenya:p24 Q137 Evolution of the living conditions Education of children Madagascar:Module additif X_TJ qX_TJ25f Mali:p22 Q4.a Morocco:p26 M54 Education des enfants Mexico:Q272d Nicaragua:p23 Q120 Senegal:p38 section S S23 |
c_Transp | Type of transportation for farm products | Kenya:No info in the questionnaire Madagascar:Module additif X_C18 0: aucun moyen de transport 1 si transport attelé : x_c18=04 2 si transport motorisé: c18=05/06/07/09/10 Mali:M2/1 Matériels et équipements agricoles fonctionnels page 6 Charrette asine ou bovine Tracteur ou motoculteur (avec remorque) M3 : Cheptel : inventaire, production et évolution p9 M3/1 Bœufs labour and M3/2. Autres animaux Anes Si charrette + animaux de traction = 1, Si tracteur ou motoculteur = 2, Si pas charrette OU pas animaux de trait = 0 Morocco:no info in the questionnaire Mexico: see the national data set Nicaragua:no info in the questionnaire Senegal: p6 Section I variable I1 c_Transpo_hh ne renvoie pas directement à une variable dans le questionnaire. Pour contourner le problème la variable I1 a été « travaillée ». Ainsi, à partir du recensement du type de matériels, ceux pouvant servir de moyen de transport aux produits agricole ont été identifiés et codifiés.(0 = Rien ; 1= Manuel ; 2=Animaux ; 3=Motorisation légère ; 4=Tracteur) |
c_AccessTransp | Access to transport | Kenya:p39 Evolution of food security Q99 Madagascar:Module additif X_C18 Mali:p20 Acces au moyens de transport Morocco:p26 M54 Acces au transport Mexico:Q265 Nicaragua:p23 q102 c1 Senegal:p34 section R R7 |
c_AccommEvol | Evolution of the quality of accommodation | Kenya:p24 Q137 Evolution of the living conditions Housing Madagascar:Module additif X_TJ qX_TJ25c Mali:p22 Q2.a Morocco:p26 M54 Logement Mexico:Q272b Nicaragua:p25 q118 Senegal:p38 section S S21 |
c_WaterEvol | Evolution of the quality of access to water | Kenya:p24 Q137 Evolution of the living conditions Water Madagascar:Module additif X_TJ qX_TJ25g Mali:p22 Q5.a Morocco:p26 M54 Disponibilite de l'eau potable Mexico:Q272e Nicaragua:p25 q121 Senegal:p38 section S S24 |
c_IncomeEvol | Evolution of incomes | Kenya:p24 Q137 Evolution of the living conditions Income Madagascar:Module additif X_TJ qX_TJ25d Mali:p22 Q6.a Morocco:p26 M54 Revenu Mexico:Q272f Nicaragua:p25 q122 Senegal:p38 section S S25 |
c_LivingCondEvol | Evolution of livelihood conditions | Kenya:p24 Q137 Evolution of the living conditions Madagascar:p14 module CE QCE7 Mali:p23 Q7.a Morocco:p26 M54 Mexico:Q272a Nicaragua:p25 q116 Senegal:p38 section S S19 |
vP_Rev01_Crops_hh | Income from crops of the HH in PPP | See imputation and derivation. |
vP_Rev02_Livestocks_hh | Income from Livestock of the HH in PPP | See imputation and derivation. |
vP_Rev02_Livestocks_SalesPurchCo | Income from Livestocks (live animals+livestock products) calculated as (Sales+Se | See imputation and derivation. |
vP_Rev03_HFG_hh | Income from hunting, fishing, etc. of the HH in PPP | Kenya:p29 Fishing, hunting and picking (fruits, medicinal plants, mushrooms, etc.) Income per month of those activities Madagascar: no info in the questionnaire Mali:p17 M4/11 Morocco:p18 M34 Mexico:Q242 Nicaragua:derived from fishing, hunting and gathering activities Senegal:p28 section O O3 |
vP_Rev04_Transfo_hh | Income from on-farm processing of the HH in PPP | Kenya:p27 Processing of agricultural products Q83.1 Quantity produced per month, price per unit and monthly costs Madagascar:p7 module C qC30 Mali:p17 M4/11 Morocco:p18 M33 Mexico:Q235 and Q 236 Nicaragua:p19 q87.1 c2 Senegal:p27 section N N6 and N7 |
vP_RevOnFarm_hh | On-Farm Income of the HH in PPP | See imputation and derivation. |
vP_Rev05_AgWage_hh | Agricultural wages of the HH in PPP | Kenya:p6 if permanent and/or temporary employee, 1.agriculture and/or p7 if permanent and/or temporary employee, 1.agriculture Madagascar:p3 Module M (A) A1 AS4 and AS3 Mali:p18 Revenus lies a la vente de travail Mexico:Q35 and Q40 Morocco:p2 M12 Nicaragua:p3 q14 c6 and c11 Senegal:p6-7 section D D1xD2xD9 and D12xD13XD15xD18xD20xD23 |
Total variable(s):
171 |