Sénégal - World Health Survey (2003)
ID de référence | SEN-OMS-WHS-2003 |
Année | 2003 |
Pays | Sénégal |
Producteur(s) | Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) |
Bailleur(s) | Organisation mondiale de la santé - OMS - |
Collection(s) | |
Métadonnées |
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Créé le
Sep 20, 2019
Dernière modification
Sep 20, 2019
Affichage par page
Final result code
Fichier: WHS-Senegal_F2
Fichier: WHS-Senegal_F2
Discrète Format: numeric Largeur: 5 Décimales: 2 Intervalle: 6-16 |
Enregistrements valides: 0 Invalide: 0 |
Questions et instructions
Instructions aux enquêteurs
The result code corresponds to the result of the contact calls, whether or not the respondent accepted to do the interview and the reasons for non-interviews. No substitutions will be done if the respondent cannot do the interview. Another respondent will be drawn from the sample. Interviewers should fill in the Call Records Forms provided in the questionnaire specifying the reasons for non-interviews, as well as other contact information.
Date when the final result code was given after having made all the contact calls.
One of the following codes should be used to document the final result:
a. Initial Contact
01. Answering machine or answering service
02. Unable to contact (busy signal, dead tone, number has changed)
03. Respondent contacted – initial refusal
04. Respondent contacted – uncertain about interview
05. Resistance/refusal by household member
b. Final contact
• Completed interview
06. Completed Interview (interview is accepted and conducted)
07. Partial Interview (interview is partially completed and person will not be contacted anymore) because of illness or other reasons.
• Non-interview
08. Final Refusal by respondent
09. Final Refusal by household member
10. Unable to locate respondent
11. No interview because respondent is not eligible: less than 18, mentally unfit or too ill.
12. Language barrier
13. House is vacant or household occupants are elsewhere (e.g. seasonal vacancy, other residence)
14. Unsafe or dangerous area or no access to respondent
15. Deceased respondent
16. Respondent in institution: jail, hospital and not accessible
Date when the final result code was given after having made all the contact calls.
One of the following codes should be used to document the final result:
a. Initial Contact
01. Answering machine or answering service
02. Unable to contact (busy signal, dead tone, number has changed)
03. Respondent contacted – initial refusal
04. Respondent contacted – uncertain about interview
05. Resistance/refusal by household member
b. Final contact
• Completed interview
06. Completed Interview (interview is accepted and conducted)
07. Partial Interview (interview is partially completed and person will not be contacted anymore) because of illness or other reasons.
• Non-interview
08. Final Refusal by respondent
09. Final Refusal by household member
10. Unable to locate respondent
11. No interview because respondent is not eligible: less than 18, mentally unfit or too ill.
12. Language barrier
13. House is vacant or household occupants are elsewhere (e.g. seasonal vacancy, other residence)
14. Unsafe or dangerous area or no access to respondent
15. Deceased respondent
16. Respondent in institution: jail, hospital and not accessible