Inventaire d'enquêtes Demostaf

Information sur la citation

Type Revue - Die soziale Produktion der Wahrheit. Das Beispiel der Bildung im Senegal und in Ruanda. (German)
Titre La production sociale de la vérité. Le cas de l'enseignement au Sénégal et au Rwanda. (French)
Numéro 33
Publication (Jour/Mois/Année) 2014
Numéros de page 97
The author offers an analysis of the relationship between the discourses of western science, religion and tradition, in the teaching of two African countries who do not share the same affiliations and beliefs. Senegal is officially of French-speaking language and predominantly Muslim. Rwanda, where the official language of education has been English since 2009, is of mostly Christian population. Taking support on the sociology of translation and Foucault’s concept of device, the article deals with the strategic actions which develop the device and show that the latter may be separated from the institution. Local truths are not only variations of a global truth. Different definitions of fairness coexist in the analyzed societies, but fail to reduce each other. (English)

Études utilisées

Croché,. "La production sociale de la vérité. Le cas de l'enseignement au Sénégal et au Rwanda. (French)." Die soziale Produktion der Wahrheit. Das Beispiel der Bildung im Senegal und in Ruanda. (German) , no. 33 (2014).
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