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Information sur la citation

Type Revue - International Journal of Comparative Sociology (Sage Publications, Ltd.)
Titre Putting social capital in (a family) perspective: Determinants of labour market outcomes among Senegalese women in Europe.
Volume 57
Numéro 3
Publication (Jour/Mois/Année) 2016
Numéros de page 127
This article examines the ways in which the family context of migration and migrant networks shape the economic integration of immigrant women. It focuses on Senegalese women’s labour market outcomes in Europe, using recently collected quantitative data from the ‘Migration between Africa and Europe’ project. The family context of migration is one of the most important drivers of employment: women migrating independently are more likely to work than those who reunite with their partner at destination; marriage migrants are the least likely to be employed. In contrast, the role of migrant networks is less influential and depends largely on the family context. Sharing childcare is the most important function of social networks for women migrating with young children. For those migrating independently of a partner, female ties are the most influential social resource in securing employment. However, confirming previous qualitative findings, these networks lead to low-quality jobs upon arrival. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

Études utilisées

Toma,. "Putting social capital in (a family) perspective: Determinants of labour market outcomes among Senegalese women in Europe.." International Journal of Comparative Sociology (Sage Publications, Ltd.) 57, no. 3 (2016): 127.
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