Inventaire d'enquêtes Demostaf

Information sur la citation

Type Revue - Identities
Titre Local realities and global possibilities: deconstructing the imaginations of aspiring migrants in Senegal.
Volume 21
Numéro 3
Publication (Jour/Mois/Année) 2014
Numéros de page 320
Recent studies show that the numbers of aspiring migrants continue to be on the increase worldwide not only in the typical emigration countries in the South but also in the usual destination countries in the North. Yet, while migration theorists have recently included the micro perspective of individual agency and sociocultural logics in their search for the engine behind the migration flows, far less research has been done on the sociocultural embeddedness of the imaginations of aspiring migrants, most of whom will never migrate. In Senegal, an increasing large number of men and women are very focused on transnational migration. This article tries to unravel the knot as to what lies at the core of this seeming national preoccupation with migration out of Senegal. Its conclusion suggests that the pervasive desire of so many is rooted in the way in which the economic claims of family members and friends are culturally informed. [ABSTRACT FROM PUBLISHER]

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