Enquêtes sur les migrations


101 Font, and Méndez. Surveying Ethnic Minorities and Immigrant Populations: Methodological Challenges and Research Strategies. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2013.
102 Friedman, S, Liang, and L Banks. "Measuring the cost-effectiveness of midwife-led versus physician-led intrapartum teams in developing countries.." Women's Health (17455057) 11, no. 4 (2015): 553.
103 Gasparetti,. "Eating tie bou jenn in Turin: Negotiating Differences and Building Community Among Senegalese Migrants in Italy.." Food \& Foodways: History \& Culture of Human Nourishment 20, no. 3/4 (2012): 257.
104 Giordano,. Migrants in Translation: Caring and the Logics of Difference in Contemporary Italy. Oakland, California: University of California Press, 2014.
105 Gnoumou Thiombiano, Bilampoa. Divorce, veuvage et scolarisation des enfants au Burkina Faso. : UEPA, 2011.
107 Gnoumou Thiombiano, Bilampoa, Thomas K. LeGrand, and Jean-François Kobiané. "Effects of Parental Union Dissolution on Child Mortality and Child Schooling in Burkina Faso." Demographic Research 29, no. 29 (2013): p. 797-816.
108 Gonzalez-Ferrer, Baizan, and Beauchemin. "Child-Parent Separations among Senegalese Migrants to Europe: Migration Strategies or Cultural Arrangements?." Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (2012).
109 González-Ferrer, Baizán, Beauchemin, Kraus, Schoumaker, and Black. "Distance, Transnational Arrangements, and Return Decisions of Senegalese, Ghanaian, and Congolese Migrants.." International Migration Review 48, no. 4 (2014): 939.
110 Gregory, Joel W. Pitfalls and Potential in Retrospective Survey Data for the Historical Study of African Migration. Montréal (CA): Université de Montréal, 1977.
111 Gregory, Joel W., and Alan B. Simmons. "Structure démographique des ménages et comportement migratoire en Haute-Volta." Collection de tirés à part, Université de Montréal , no. 215 (1986).
112 Gregory, Joël Wayne, Dennis D. Cordell, and Victor Piché. "La mobilisation de la main-d'oeuvre burkinabé, 1900-1974 : une vision retrospective." Revue canadienne des études africaines 23, no. 1 (1989): 73-105.
115 Henry, Sabine. L'impact de l'environnement naturel sur la migration : synthèse del'apport des analyse macro et micro. Paris (FR): L'Harmattan ; Presses Universitaires de Ouagadougou, 2007.
116 Henry, Sabine. The influence of the natural environment on migratin in Burkina Faso. Louvain-la-Neuve (BE): UCL, 2003.
117 Henry, Sabine, Victor Piché, Dieudonné Ouédraogo, and E. Lambin. "Descriptive Analysis of the Individual Migratory Pathways According to Environmental Typologies." Population and Environment , no. 25 (2004).
118 Hurst,. "Local villages and global networks: the language and migration experiences of African skilled migrant academics.." Globalisation, Societies \& Education 15, no. 1 (2017): 50.
119 Ichou, Mathieu. "Education and Immigration. (English)." Population (00324663) 69, no. 2 (2014): 285.
121 Jung,. "Migration, remittances and development : a case study of Senegalese labour migrants on the Island Boa Vista, Cape Verde." Migração, remessas e desenvolvimento: Um estudo de caso de trabalhadores migrantes senegaleses na ilha de Boa Vista, Cabo Verde. , no. 29 (2015).
122 Kabbanji, Levatino, and Ametepe. "Migrations internationales étudiantes ghanéennes et sénégalaises: caractéristiques et déterminants. (French)." International migration by students from Ghana and Senegal; characteristics and determinants. (English) 42, no. 2 (2013): 303.
123 Kabbanji, Lama. Politiques migratoires en Afrique de l'Ouest. Burkina Faso et Côte d'Ivoire. Paris: Editions Karthala, 2011.
125 Kabbanji, Lama, and Victor Piché. Mesure et tendances des migrations : une comparaison des enquêtes de 197475 et 2000. Paris (FR): L'Harmattan ; Presses Universitaires de Ouagadougou, 2007.
126 Kabbanji, Lama, Victor Piché, and Bonayi Dabiré. "Dynamique migratoire, insertion urbaine et environnement au Burkina Faso : Au -delà de la houe." Mesure et tendances des migrations : une comparaison des enquêtes de 1974-75 et 2000 (2007).
128 Kobiané, Jean-François, and Richard Marcoux. "Parental Death and Children's Schooling in Burkina Faso." Comparative Education Review 49, no. 4 (2005): p. 468-489.
129 Kohler, Jean-Marie. Les migrations des Mosi de l'Ouest. Paris: ORSTOM, 1972.
132 Lahuec, Jean-Paul. Le terroir de Zaongho : les Mossi de Koupéla (Haute-Volta). Paris: ORSTOM, 1980.
133 Lahuec, Jean-Paul, and Jean-Yves Marchal. La mobilité du peuplement Bissa et Mossi. Paris: ORSTOM, 1979.
136 Le Jeune, Gaël. Migration et insertion des femmes dans le marché du travail urbain : une remise en question des rapports de genre ?. Paris (FR): L'Harmattan ; Presses Universitaires de Ouagadougou, 2007.
140 Lessault, Beauchemin, Sakho, and Dutreuilh. "International Migration and Housing Conditions of Households in Dakar." Population, English edition , no. 1 (2011).
141 Lessault, and Flahaux. "Regards statistiques sur l’histoire de l’émigration internationale au Sénégal." Revue européenne des migrations internationales (2014).
142 Lessault, and Imbert. "Mobilité résidentielle et dynamique récente du peuplement urbain à Dakar (Sénégal)." Cybergeo : revue européenne de géographie / European journal of geography (2013).
143 Lessault, and Mezger. La migration internationale sénégalaise : des discours publics à la visibilité statistique. : [S.l.] : Migrations between Africa and Europe (MAFE). 2010., 2010.
144 Lessault*, Beauchemin**, Sakho***, and Cris David Lessault. "Migration internationale et conditions d'habitat des ménages à Dakar." Population , no. 1 (2011).
145 Lesselingue, Pierre. Motivations de départ et opinions des migrants de travail. Ouagadougou: ORSTOM, 1975.
146 Lesselingue, Pierre. "Migrations internes : aspects psycho-sociologiques." (1975).
147 Liu,. How do origin and destination social capital influence migration between Senegal and Europe?. : [S.l.] : Migrations between Africa and Europe (MAFE). 2015., 2015.
148 Liu,. Becoming a Man : legal status, networks and male migration between Senegal and Europe [Ressource électronique]. : [S.l.] : Migrations between Africa and Europe (MAFE). 2015., 2015.
149 Liu,. "Migrant Networks and International Migration: Testing Weak Ties.." Demography 50, no. 4 (2013): 1243.
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