Enquêtes sur les migrations


151 Mezger Kveder, Reilly Dir., L Winters Dir., and Beauchemin Dir. "Essays on migration between Senegal and Europe : migration attempts, investment at origin and returnees' occupational status." Brighton : University of Sussex. 2012., 2012.
152 Adserà, and Tienda. "Comparative Perspectives on International Migration and Child Well-Being.." Annals of the American Academy of Political \& Social Science 643, no. 1 (2012): 6.
153 Gasparetti,. "Eating tie bou jenn in Turin: Negotiating Differences and Building Community Among Senegalese Migrants in Italy.." Food \& Foodways: History \& Culture of Human Nourishment 20, no. 3/4 (2012): 257.
154 Gonzalez-Ferrer, Baizan, and Beauchemin. "Child-Parent Separations among Senegalese Migrants to Europe: Migration Strategies or Cultural Arrangements?." Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (2012).
155 Gnoumou Thiombiano, Bilampoa, Thomas K. LeGrand, and Jean-François Kobiané. "Effects of Parental Union Dissolution on Child Mortality and Child Schooling in Burkina Faso." Demographic Research 29, no. 29 (2013): p. 797-816.
156 Flahaux, Schoumaker Dir., and Beauchemin Dir. Retourner au Sénégal et en RD Congo : choix et contraintes au coeur des trajectoires de vie des migrants [Texte imprimé]. : [s.l.] : [s.n]. 2013., 2013.
158 Kabbanji, Levatino, and Ametepe. "Migrations internationales étudiantes ghanéennes et sénégalaises: caractéristiques et déterminants. (French)." International migration by students from Ghana and Senegal; characteristics and determinants. (English) 42, no. 2 (2013): 303.
159 Condon, Lada, Charruault, and Romanini. "Promouvoir l'intégration des travailleuses et travailleurs domestiques migrants en France. (French)." International Migration Papers , no. 117 (2013).
160 Baizán, Beauchemin, and González Ferrer. Determinants of migration between Senegal and France, Italy and Spain. : [S.l.] : Migrations between Africa and Europe (MAFE). 2013., 2013.
161 Lessault, and Imbert. "Mobilité résidentielle et dynamique récente du peuplement urbain à Dakar (Sénégal)." Cybergeo : revue européenne de géographie / European journal of geography (2013).
162 Castagnone, Sakho, Nazio, Schoumaker, and Rakotonarivo. African migrants at work : patterns of labour market integration in Europe, transnational economic participation and economic re-integration of migrants in origin countries : the case of Senegal. : [S.l.] : Migrations between Africa and Europe (MAFE). 2013., 2013.
163 Beauchemin, Caarls, and Mazzucato. Senegalese migrants between here and there : an overview of family patterns. : [S.l.] : Migrations between Africa and Europe (MAFE). 2013., 2013.
164 Migrant families between Africa and Europe : comparing Ghanaian, Congolese and Senegalese migration flows. : [S.l.] : Migrations between Africa and Europe (MAFE). 2013., 2013.
167 Mezger Kveder, and Flahaux. "Returning to Dakar: A Mixed Methods Analysis of the Role of Migration Experience for Occupational Status." World Development , no. C (2013).
168 Liu,. "Migrant Networks and International Migration: Testing Weak Ties.." Demography 50, no. 4 (2013): 1243.
169 Mondain, Diagne, and Randall. "Migration and Intergenerational Responsibilities: Implications for Young Senegalese Migrants’ Transition to Adulthood.." Annals of the American Academy of Political \& Social Science 648, no. 1 (2013): 204.
171 Adeleye, and Ogundiran. "Knowledge of and Training in Research Ethics in an African Health Research Community.." AJOB Primary Research 4, no. 2 (2013): 44.
172 Sabar,. "Africa - Israel - Africa Return-migration experiences of African labour migrants.." Migration Letters 10, no. 1 (2013): 57.
173 Font, and Méndez. Surveying Ethnic Minorities and Immigrant Populations: Methodological Challenges and Research Strategies. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2013.
174 Ichou, Mathieu. "Education and Immigration. (English)." Population (00324663) 69, no. 2 (2014): 285.
176 Lessault, and Flahaux. "Regards statistiques sur l’histoire de l’émigration internationale au Sénégal." Revue européenne des migrations internationales (2014).
177 Flahaux, Beauchemin, and Schoumaker. "De l’Europe vers l’Afrique : Les migrations de retour au Sénégal et en République démocratique du Congo. (French)." Population \& Sociétés , no. 515 (2014).
178 Sandron,. "Migrations africaines: le codéveloppement en questions. (French)." Population (00324663) 69, no. 2 (2014): 288.
179 New patterns of migration between Senegal and Europe. : [S.l.] : Migrations between Africa and Europe (MAFE). 2014., 2014.
180 Flahaux, Beauchemin, and Schoumaker. "From Europe to Africa: Return migration to Senegal and the Democratic Republic of Congo.." Population \& Sociétés , no. 515 (2014).
183 González-Ferrer, Baizán, Beauchemin, Kraus, Schoumaker, and Black. "Distance, Transnational Arrangements, and Return Decisions of Senegalese, Ghanaian, and Congolese Migrants.." International Migration Review 48, no. 4 (2014): 939.
185 Toma, and Vause. "Gender Differences in the Role of Migrant Networks: Comparing Congolese and Senegalese Migration Flows.." International Migration Review 48, no. 4 (2014): 972.
186 Aga, Gemechu Ayana, Martinez Peria, and Maria Soledad. "International Remittances and Financial Inclusion in Sub-Saharan Africa." Policy Research Working Papers , no. 6991 (2014).
187 Andersson,. Illegality, Inc.: Clandestine Migration and the Business of Bordering Europe. Oakland, California: University of California Press, 2014.
188 Baizan, Beauchemin, and Gonzalez-Ferrer. "An Origin and Destination Perspective on Family Reunification: The Case of Senegalese Couples." European Journal of Population 30, no. 1 (2014): 65-87.
189 Giordano,. Migrants in Translation: Caring and the Logics of Difference in Contemporary Italy. Oakland, California: University of California Press, 2014.
190 Vickstrom,. "Pathways into Irregular Status Among Senegalese Migrants in Europe.." International Migration Review 48, no. 4 (2014): 1062-1099.
192 Vause, Toma, Richou, and Camille Sophie Vause. "Peut-on parler de féminisation des flux migratoires du Sénégal et de la République démocratique du Congo ?." Population , no. 1 (2015).
194 Liu,. How do origin and destination social capital influence migration between Senegal and Europe?. : [S.l.] : Migrations between Africa and Europe (MAFE). 2015., 2015.
195 Toma, and Castagnone. "Quels sont les facteurs de migration multiple en Europe ? Les migrations sénégalaises entre la France, l'Italie et l'Espagne. (French)." WHAT DRIVES ONWARD MOBILITY WITHIN EUROPE? THE CASE OF SENEGALESE MIGRATIONS BETWEEN FRANCE, ITALY AND SPAIN. (English) 70, no. 1 (2015): 69.
196 Liu,. Becoming a Man : legal status, networks and male migration between Senegal and Europe [Ressource électronique]. : [S.l.] : Migrations between Africa and Europe (MAFE). 2015., 2015.
199 Castagnone, Nazio, Bartolini, and Schoumaker. "Understanding Transnational Labour Market Trajectories of African-European Migrants: Evidence from the MAFE Survey.." International Migration Review 49, no. 1 (2015): 200.
200 Mezger Kveder, Cora, and Cris Beauchemin. "The Role of International Migration Experience for Investment at Home: Direct, Indirect, and Equalising Effects in Senegal.." Population Space & Place 21, no. 6 (2015): 535.
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