Madagascar, Mali, Sénégal, Kenya, Maroc, Mexique, Nicaragua - RuralStruc Household Survey (2007-2008)
ID de référence | MMS-RSPCT-RSHS-2007-2008 |
Année | 2007 - 2009 |
Pays | Madagascar, Mali, Sénégal, Kenya, Maroc, Mexique, Nicaragua |
Producteur(s) | RuralStruc Program Coordination Team - Banque mondiale ; Ministère des affaires étrangères et européennes (France) ; Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le dévelop |
Bailleur(s) | RuralStruc Multi Donor Trust Fund - RuralStruc MDTF - Financement de l'ensemble du programme RuralStruc Banque mondiale - BM - Contribution au financement Agence française de développement - AFD - Contribution au financement Ministère d |
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Créé le
Sep 06, 2019
Dernière modification
Sep 06, 2019
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1/ Herfindal Hirshman Index
Fichier: RuralStruc Merged_v1.0
Fichier: RuralStruc Merged_v1.0
Continu Format: numeric Largeur: 10 Décimales: 0 Intervalle: -2.22044604925031e-16-1 |
Enregistrements valides: 0 Invalide: 0 |
The diversification index (1-HHi) is defined as the opposite of the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHi).
The definition of the index is the following: XXXX where i represents the different income sources (on-farm, agricultural wages, non-agricultural wages, self-employment, public transfers, private transfers, rents), n the number of income sources, and P the percentage of every income source.
Because the HHi squares the shares (i.e. the shares of income sources), it strengthens the main pattern of the household. It ranges from zero (entirely specialized) to one (highly diversified).
The definition of the index is the following: XXXX where i represents the different income sources (on-farm, agricultural wages, non-agricultural wages, self-employment, public transfers, private transfers, rents), n the number of income sources, and P the percentage of every income source.
Because the HHi squares the shares (i.e. the shares of income sources), it strengthens the main pattern of the household. It ranges from zero (entirely specialized) to one (highly diversified).
Questions et instructions
Question littérale
See imputation and derivation.
Imputation and Derivation
A commonly accepted measure of market concentration. It is calculated by squaring the market share of each firm competing in a market, and then summing the resulting numbers. The HHI number can range from close to zero to 10,000. The HHI is expressed as: HHI = s1^2 + s2^2 + s3^2 + ... + sn^2 (where sn is the market share of the ith firm).
The closer a market is to being a monopoly, the higher the market's concentration (and the lower its competition). If, for example, there were only one firm in an industry, that firm would have 100% market share, and the HHI would equal 10,000 (100^2), indicating a monopoly. Or, if there were thousands of firms competing, each would have nearly 0% market share, and the HHI would be close to zero, indicating nearly perfect competition.
The closer a market is to being a monopoly, the higher the market's concentration (and the lower its competition). If, for example, there were only one firm in an industry, that firm would have 100% market share, and the HHI would equal 10,000 (100^2), indicating a monopoly. Or, if there were thousands of firms competing, each would have nearly 0% market share, and the HHI would be close to zero, indicating nearly perfect competition.