Mali - World Health Survey - Enquête mondiale sur la santé (2003)
ID de référence | MLI-OMS-WHS-2003 |
Année | 2003 |
Pays | Mali |
Producteur(s) | World Health Organization (WHO) |
Bailleur(s) | World Health Organization - WHO - |
Collection(s) | |
Métadonnées |
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Créé le
Sep 18, 2019
Dernière modification
Sep 18, 2019
Affichage par page
- Documentation
- Description de l'enquête
- Dictionnaire de données
- Charger les microdonnées
- Bibliographie
Dictionnaire de données
Fichier de données: WHS-Mali_F2
Enregistrements | 0 |
Variable(s) | 101 |
Structure: | Type: relational Clés: id (Identification) |
Nom | Libellé | Question | |
id | Identification | ||
q0003a | If retest interview, indicate number of days | If retest interview, indicate number of days between initial and retest |
q0004 | Rotation Code | ||
q0005 | interviewer ID | ||
q0006 | name of interviewer | ||
q0007 | total calls | ||
q0008 | date of final results (dd/mm/yyyyy) | ||
q0009 | Final result code | ||
q0010 | date of editing (dd/mm/yyyyy) | ||
q00111 | Data entry 1st date (dd/mm/yyyyy) | 1st data entry |
q00112 | Data entry 2nd date (dd/mm/yyyyy) | 2nd data entry |
q0100 | psu | Primary Sampling Unit (PSU) Name/Code |
q0101 | ssu | Secondary Sampling Unit (SSU) Name/Code |
q0102 | tsu | Tertiary Sampling Unit (TSU) Name/Code |
q0103 | qsu | Quarternary Sampling Unit (QSU) Name/Code |
q0104 | settings | Setting |
q0105s | Specify | ||
q0200_1 | latitude N/S | Latitude |
q0200_2 | latitude (degree) | Latitude |
q0200_3 | latitude (decimal degree) | Latitude |
q0201_1 | longitude (E/W) | Longitude |
q0201_2 | longitude (degree) | Longitude |
q0201_3 | longitude (decimal degree) | Longitude |
q0202 | waypoint | Waypoint |
q0400tb | Time begin section 0400 - Household roster | Household roster In order to determine whom to interview, I need to know who lives at this address. Let me assure you that any information you provide is strictly confidential. I would like the age, sex, education, marital status and relationship to you of each of the members of this household who live here. Please include people who may presently be in an institution due to their health (hospital, nursing home etc.) for a short or long period. All the males in the househo9ld should be entered first, from oldest to youngest. All the females should then be entered, from the oldest to the youngest female. Don't forget to include yourself in the appropriate order. |
q0450 | Kish table code | ||
q0500 | head of household | Who is the person who provides the main economic support for the household? |
q0501 | Household informant | ||
q0560 | Have mosquito bed | Do you have a mosquito bed-net in the house? |
q0561 | bed nets treated with insecticide | Were the bed-nets treated with insecticide, a product that kills insects? |
q0562 | when were bed nets treated | If Yes: When was the last time the bed-net was (re-)treated with this product? |
q0563 | No of Children under 5 | Can you please tell me how many children aged under 5 years live in this household? |
q0564 | how many children slept under mosquito bed | How many of these children slept under a mosquito (bed) net last night? |
q0565 | Number of pregnant | Can you please tell me how many women who live in this household are currently pregnant? |
q0566 | No of pregnant slept under bed net | How many of the pregnant women in this household slept under a mosquito bed-net last night? |
q0567 | No of other slept under bed net | How many other persons who live in this household slept under a mosquito bed-net last night? (That is, all the other household members except for young children or pregnant women). |
q0570 | Anyone in institution due to health conditions | Is there anyone in your house who is in an institution (hospital, after care home, home for the aged, hospice etc.) due to their health condition? |
q0570_1 | household member 1 in institution | RECORD LINE NUMBERS from Household Roster of all household members currently in an institution due to their health condition |
q0570_2 | household member 2 in institution | RECORD LINE NUMBERS from Household Roster of all household members currently in an institution due to their health condition |
q0570_3 | household member 3 in institution | RECORD LINE NUMBERS from Household Roster of all household members currently in an institution due to their health condition |
q0570_4 | household member 4 in institution | RECORD LINE NUMBERS from Household Roster of all household members currently in an institution due to their health condition |
q0570_5 | household member 5 in institution | RECORD LINE NUMBERS from Household Roster of all household members currently in an institution due to their health condition |
q0571 | needs care because of a long term illness | Is there anyone in your home, a child or adult) who needs care because of a long-term physical or mental illness or disability, or is getting old and weak? |
q0572 | How much care does this person need | How much care does this person need? |
q0500te | Time end section 0500 | ||
q0650 | Name of CHIP | You indicated that someone in your household has health insurance with a [CHIP]. What is the name of the [CHIP]? |
q0651 | When joined CHIP (dd/mm/yyyy) | When did these household members first join [that CHIP]? |
q0652 | Reason for joining CHIP | What was the main reason for joining [that CHIP]? |
q0653 | expect renewal | Do you expect membership in [that CHIP] will be renewed? |
q0660 | household members join CHIP | Did your household members join the [CHIP]… |
q0661 | How high is contribution | How high is the [contribution] compared to benefits you get from the [CHIP]? |
q0662 | How difficult is it to pay the CHIP | How difficult is for your household to pay the [CHIP] [contribution]? |
q0670 | Know where to ask questions | If someone in your household had questions about the [CHIP], would they know whom to ask or where to go? |
q0671 | How difficult to reach the person | How difficult is it to reach that person or place when information is needed? |
q0680 | how much healthy should contribute | How much do you think healthy people in [the country] should contribute to pay for the health care used by sick people? |
q0681 | how much should people contribute | How much do you think people in [the country] should contribute to pay for the health care used by poor people when they become sick? |
q0700 | How many rooms there are in your home? | Can you please tell me how many rooms there are in your home? |
q0701 | How many chairs are there in your home? | How many chairs are there in your home? |
q0702 | How many tables are there in your home? | How many tables are there in your home? |
q0703 | How many cars are there in your household? | How many cars are there in your household? |
q0704 | Your home have electricity | Does your home have electricity? |
q0705 | Anyone in your household have a bicycle? | Does anyone in your household have a bicycle? |
q0706 | Anyone in your household have a clock? | Does anyone in your household have a clock? |
q0707 | Anyone in your household have a bucket? | Does anyone in your household have a bucket? |
q0708 | Anyone in your household have a washing machine for clothes? | Does anyone in your household have a washing machine for clothes? |
q0709 | Anyone in your household have a refrigerator? | Does anyone in your household have a refrigerator? ? |
q0710 | Anyone in your household have a refrigerator? | Does anyone in your household have a refrigerator? |
q0711 | Anyone in your household have a fixed line telephone? | Does anyone in your household have a fixed line telephone? |
q0712 | Anyone in your household have a mobile/cellular telephone? | Does anyone in your household have a mobile/cellular telephone? |
q0713 | Anyone in your household have a television? | Does anyone in your household have a television? |
q0714 | Anyone in your household have a computer? | Does anyone in your household have a computer? |
q0715 | Permanent Income question 15 | ||
q0716 | Permanent Income question 16 | ||
q0717 | Permanent Income question 17 | ||
q0718 | Permanent Income question 18 | ||
q0719 | Permanent Income question 19 | ||
q0800 | total household expenditure | In the last 4 weeks, how much did your household spend in total? |
q0801 | Amount spend on food | In the last 4 weeks, how much did your household spend on food, including such things as [rice], meat, fruits, vegetables, and cooking oils? Include the value of any food that was produced and consumed by the household, and exclude alcohol, tobacco and restaurant meals. |
q0802 | Spent on Housing | In the last 4 weeks, how much did your household spend on housing, gas, electricity, water, telephone, and heating fuel? |
q0803 | Spent on Education | In the last 4 weeks, how much did your household spend on education fees and supplies? |
q0804 | Health care costs | In the last 4 weeks, how much did your household spend on health care costs, excluding any insurance reimbursements? |
q0805 | Insurance Premiums | In the last 4 weeks, how much did your household spend on voluntary insurance premiums or prepaid health plans? |
q0806 | Other Goods and services | In the last 4 weeks, how much did your household spend on all other goods and services? |
q0807 | Care required staying overnight | In the last 4 weeks, how much did your household spend on care that required staying overnight in a hospital or health facility? |
q0808 | Care by doctors nurses and trained midwives | In the last 4 weeks, how much did your household spend on care by doctors, nurses, or trained midwives that did not require an overnight stay? |
q0809 | Household spend on traditional healers | In the last 4 weeks, how much did your household spend on care by traditional or alternative healers? |
q0810 | Amount spent on dentists | In the last 4 weeks, how much did your household spend on dentists? |
q0811 | Amount spent on Medication or drugs | In the last 4 weeks, how much did your household spend on medication or drugs? |
q0812 | Amount spent on health care | In the last 4 weeks, how much did your household spend on health care products such prescription glasses, hearing aids, prosthetic devices, etc.? |
q0813 | Diagnostic and Laboratory tests | In the last 4 weeks, how much did your household spend on diagnostic and laboratory tests such as X-rays or Blood tests? |
q0814 | other | In the last 4 weeks, how much did your household spend on any other health care products or services that were not included above? |
q0815 | overnight stay in hospital | In the last 12 months, how many times did members of your household go to a hospital and stay overnight? |
q0816 | Household costs associated with overnight stay | In the last 12 months, how much did the household pay for all costs associated with overnight stays in a hospital? Please exclude any expenses in the last 4 weeks that you have already told me about, and exclude any reimbursement from insurance. |
q0817 | Current Income of household | Current income of any household members. |
q0818 | Savings | Savings (e.g. bank account). |
q0819 | payment or reimbursement | Payment or reimbursement from a health insurance plan. |
q0820 | Sold items | Sold items (e.g. furniture, animals, jewellery, furniture). |
q0821 | family members | Family members or friends from outside the household. |
q0822 | Borrowed from someone | Borrowed from someone other than a friend or family. |
q0823 | Other | Other |
Total variable(s):
101 |