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Zimmerman, Olson, Tsui, and Radloff.
PMA2020: Rapid Turn-Around Survey Data to Monitor Family Planning Service and Practice in Ten Countries
Studies in Family Planning 48, no. 3 (2017): 293-303.
Roche, Rachel, Robert Bain, and Oliver Cumming.
A long way to go – Estimates of combined water, sanitation and hygiene coverage for 25 sub-Saharan African countries
PLOS ONE 12, no. 2 (2017): e0171783-0.
Olorunsaiye, Comfort Z., Larissa Brunner Huber, Sarah B. Laditka, Shanti Kulkarni, and A. Suzanne Boyd.
Associations between women's perceptions of domestic violence and contraceptive use in seven countries in West and Central Africa
Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare 13, no. Supplement C (2017): 110-117.
Frongillo, Edward A., Shibani Kulkarni, Sulochana Basnet, and Filipa de Castro.
Family Care Behaviors and Early Childhood Development in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
Journal of Child and Family Studies (2017).
Rabaoarisoa, Chitale Remonja, Rado Rakotoarison, Nivo Heritiana Rakotonirainy, Reziky Tiandraza Mangahasimbola, Alain Berthin Randrianarisoa, R. Jambou, I. Vigan-Womas, P. Piola, and R.V. Randremanana.
The importance of public health, poverty reduction programs and women’s empowerment in the reduction of child stunting in rural areas of Moramanga and Morondava, Madagascar
PLoS ONE 12, no. 10 (2017).
Bonds, H, Garchitorena, Cordier, C Miller, McCarty, Andriamihaja, Ratsirarson, Randrianambinina, R Rabeza, Finnegan, Gillespie, A Wright, E Farmer, Loyd, B Murray, M Herrnstein, R Herrnstein, Team, Gikic, A Ouenzar, Hall, and L Rich.
Advancing a Science for Sustaining Health: Establishing a Model Health District in Madagascar
bioRxiv (2017).
Garchitorena, C Miller, F Cordier, Ramananjato, R Rabeza, Murray, Cripps, Hall, Farmer, Rich, Orlan, Rabemampionona, Rakotozafy, Randriantsimaniry, Gikic, and H Bonds.
In Madagascar, Use Of Health Care Services Increased When Fees Were Removed: Lessons For Universal Health Coverage
Health Affairs 36, no. 8 (2017): 1443-1451.
Miller, C, H Ramananjato, Garchitorena, R Rabeza, Gikic, Cripps, Cordier, Razanadrakato, Randriamanambintsoa, Hall, Murray, Razanavololo, L Rich, and H Bonds.
Baseline population health conditions ahead of a health system strengthening program in rural Madagascar
Global Health Action 10, no. 1 (2017): 1329961.
Compaoré, Yameogo, Millogo, Tougri, and Kouanda.
Evaluation of the implementation fidelity of the seasonal malaria chemoprevention intervention in Kaya health district, Burkina Faso
PLOS ONE 12, no. 11 (2017): e0187460.
Komboigo-Savadogo, B, Baguiya, Sondo-Ouédraogo, Bado, and Kouanda.
Evaluation des effets de la campagne MILDA 2010 : Possession-utilisation des moustiquaires et prévalence de la fièvre dans les ménages de Kaya
Science et Technique, Sciences de la Santé 40, no. 1 (2017): 151--159--159.
Lesclingand, Marie, and Véronique Hertrich.
When girls take the lead: Adolescent girls’ migration in Mali
Population (English edition) 72, no. 1 (2017): 63-92.
Lesclingand, Marie, and Véronique Hertrich.
Quand les filles donnent le ton. Migrations adolescentes au Mali
Population (édition française) 72, no. 1 (2017): 63-93.
Dasré, Aurelien, and Véronique Hertrich.
Comment aborder les pratiques religieuses en Afrique subsaharienne ? Les enseignements d'une enquête longitudinale en milieu rural malien
Documents de travail , no. 232 (2017).
Hertrich, Feuillet, Samuel, Gakou, and Dasré.
Les recensements permettent-ils de saisir l’environnement familial des enfants ? Une comparaison ménage, logement et groupe domestique au Mali
Cape Town, Afrique du Sud, 2017.
Miller, C, Garchitorena, Rabeza, Randriamanambintsoa, Rahaniraka Razanadrakato, Cordier, Ouenzar, B Murray, R Thomson, and H Bonds.
Cohort Profile: Ifanadiana Health Outcomes and Prosperity longitudinal Evaluation (IHOPE)
International Journal of Epidemiology 47, no. 5 (2018): 1394-1395e.
Rajeev, Malavika, Glenn Edosoa, Chantal Hanitriniaina, Soa Fy Andriamandimby, Helene Guis, Ravo Ramiandrasoa, Rila Ratovoson, Laurence Randrianasolo, Mamitiana Andriamananjara, Jean-Michel Heraud, Laurence Baril, C E Metcalf, and Katie Hampson.
Healthcare utilization, provisioning of post-exposure prophylaxis, and estimation of human rabies burden in Madagascar
Vaccine , no. Online, in press (2018).
Razanajatovo, Norosoa Harline, Julia Guillebaud, Aina Harimanana, Soatiana Rajatonirina, Elisoa Hariniaina Ratsima, Z. Andrianirina, H. Rakotoariniaina, T. Andriatahina, A. Orelle, Rila Ratovoson, J. Irinantenaina, D.A. Rakotonanahary, L. Ramparany, Frédérique Randrianirina, Vincent Richard, and Jean-Michel Heraud.
Epidemiology of severe acute respiratory infections from hospital-based surveillance in Madagascar, November 2010 to July 2013
PLOS ONE 13, no. 11 (2018): e0205124.
Rakotonirainy, N.H., V. Razafindratovo, C.R. Remonja, R. Rasoloarijaona, P. Piola, C. Raharintsoa, and R.V. Randremanana.
Dietary diversity of 6- to 59-month-old children in rural areas of Moramanga and Morondava districts, Madagascar
PLoS ONE 13, no. 7 (2018).
McCuskee, Garchitorena, C Miller, Hall, Ouenzar, R Rabeza, H Ramananjato, Razanadrakato, Randriamanambintsoa, Barry, and H Bonds.
Child malnutrition in Ifanadiana district, Madagascar: associated factors and timing of growth faltering ahead of a health system strengthening intervention
Global Health Action 11, no. 1 (2018): 1452357.
Garchitorena, C Miller, F Cordier, R Rabeza, Randriamanambintsoa, R Razanadrakato, Hall, Gikic, Haruna, McCarty, Randrianambinina, R Thomson, Atwood, L Rich, B Murray, Ratsirarson, Ouenzar, and H Bonds.
Early changes in intervention coverage and mortality rates following the implementation of an integrated health system intervention in Madagascar
BMJ Global Health 3, no. 3 (2018): e000762.
Yugbaré Belemsaga, Goujon, Tougri, Coulibaly, Degomme, Duysburgh, Temmerman, and Kouanda.
Integration of maternal postpartum services in maternal and child health services in Kaya health district (Burkina Faso): an intervention time trend analysis
BMC Health Services Research 18, no. 1 (2018): 298.
Grace, K., V. Hertrich, D. Singare, and G. Husak.
Examining rural Sahelian out-migration in the context of climate change: An analysis of the linkages between rainfall and out-migration in two Malian villages from 1981 to 2009
World Development (2018).
Soura, Abdramane, and Clémentine Rossier.
Inégalités de santé à Ouagadougou. Résultats d’un observatoire de population urbaine au Burkina Faso
Chapitre 1. L'Observatoire de population de Ouagadougou: généralités, dynamique et profil sociodémographique (2019).
Duthé, Géraldine.
Inégalités de santé à Ouagadougou. Résultats d'un observatoire de population urbaine au Burkina Faso
Chapitre 6. Santé des adultes: l'importance des maladies non transmissibles (2019).
ROSSIER, Clémentine, Abdramane SOURA, and Géraldine DUTHÉ.
Inégalités de santé à Ouagadougou. Résultats d'un observatoire de population urbaine au Burkina Faso
Paris, France: Ined éditions, 2019.
Dasré, and Golaz.
La réalité du réseau familial dans les pays du Sud
Paris, France, 2019.
Dasré, Aurélien, Olivia Samuel, and Véronique Hertrich.
The dynamics of the family network during childhood: A genealogical and longitudinal approach to rural Mali
Demographic Research 41, no. 9 (2019): 231-262.
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