Madagascar - Evaluation longitudinale d'impact sur la santé et la prosperité à Ifanadiana (2014 - en cours), Cohorte PIVOT - IHOPE
ID de référence | MDG-INSTAT-PIVOT-IFANADIANA-2014-c |
Année | 2014 - 2018 |
Pays | Madagascar |
Producteur(s) |
Institut national de la statistique (INSTAT) PIVOT |
Bailleur(s) | Department of Global Health and Social Medicine - Harvard Medical School - - Financement de l'enquête 2014 Herrnstein Family Foundation - - Financement de la cohorte IHOPE |
Collection(s) | |
Métadonnées |
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Créé le
Jul 24, 2019
Dernière modification
Aug 07, 2019
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Bibliographie relative à l'étude
Found: 7
Bonds, H, Garchitorena, Cordier, C Miller, McCarty, Andriamihaja, Ratsirarson, Randrianambinina, R Rabeza, Finnegan, Gillespie, A Wright, E Farmer, Loyd, B Murray, M Herrnstein, R Herrnstein, Team, Gikic, A Ouenzar, Hall, and L Rich. "Advancing a Science for Sustaining Health: Establishing a Model Health District in Madagascar." bioRxiv (2017).
Garchitorena, C Miller, F Cordier, R Rabeza, Randriamanambintsoa, R Razanadrakato, Hall, Gikic, Haruna, McCarty, Randrianambinina, R Thomson, Atwood, L Rich, B Murray, Ratsirarson, Ouenzar, and H Bonds. "Early changes in intervention coverage and mortality rates following the implementation of an integrated health system intervention in Madagascar." BMJ Global Health 3, no. 3 (2018): e000762.
Garchitorena, C Miller, F Cordier, Ramananjato, R Rabeza, Murray, Cripps, Hall, Farmer, Rich, Orlan, Rabemampionona, Rakotozafy, Randriantsimaniry, Gikic, and H Bonds. "In Madagascar, Use Of Health Care Services Increased When Fees Were Removed: Lessons For Universal Health Coverage." Health Affairs 36, no. 8 (2017): 1443-1451.
McCuskee, Garchitorena, C Miller, Hall, Ouenzar, R Rabeza, H Ramananjato, Razanadrakato, Randriamanambintsoa, Barry, and H Bonds. "Child malnutrition in Ifanadiana district, Madagascar: associated factors and timing of growth faltering ahead of a health system strengthening intervention." Global Health Action 11, no. 1 (2018): 1452357.
Miller, C, Garchitorena, Rabeza, Randriamanambintsoa, Rahaniraka Razanadrakato, Cordier, Ouenzar, B Murray, R Thomson, and H Bonds. "Cohort Profile: Ifanadiana Health Outcomes and Prosperity longitudinal Evaluation (IHOPE)." International Journal of Epidemiology 47, no. 5 (2018): 1394-1395e.
Miller, C, H Ramananjato, Garchitorena, R Rabeza, Gikic, Cripps, Cordier, Razanadrakato, Randriamanambintsoa, Hall, Murray, Razanavololo, L Rich, and H Bonds. "Baseline population health conditions ahead of a health system strengthening program in rural Madagascar." Global Health Action 10, no. 1 (2017): 1329961.
Rist, L, N Ngonghala, Garchitorena, E Brook, Ramananjato, C Miller, Randrianarivelojosia, C Wright, R Gillespie, and H Bonds. "Modeling the burden of poultry disease on the rural poor in Madagascar." One Health (2015).