Mali - World Health Survey - Enquête mondiale sur la santé (2003)
ID de référence | MLI-OMS-WHS-2003 |
Année | 2003 |
Pays | Mali |
Producteur(s) | World Health Organization (WHO) |
Bailleur(s) | World Health Organization - WHO - |
Collection(s) | |
Métadonnées |
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Créé le
Sep 18, 2019
Dernière modification
Sep 18, 2019
Affichage par page
- Documentation
- Description de l'enquête
- Dictionnaire de données
- Charger les microdonnées
- Bibliographie
Description of other place of work
Fichier: WHS-Mali_F4
Fichier: WHS-Mali_F4
Discrète Format: numeric Largeur: 5 Décimales: 2 Intervalle: 1-63 |
Enregistrements valides: 0 Invalide: 0 |
Questions et instructions
If also worked at an other location
Question littérale
How would you best describe this other place where you worked?
Valeur | Catégorie |
1 | Public hospital (government, including military or railroad hospital) |
2 | Private hospital (for profit/not for profit) |
3 | Public health centre (including dental clinic, palliative care centre, mobile clinic, health post, etc. |
4 | Private health centre, including dental clinic, palliative care centre, mobile clinic, health post, doctor's office etc. |
5 | Private home-based services (nursing, medical, etc.) |
6 | Public health training or research institution (including medical faculty, dental college, etc. |
7 | Private health training or research institution (including medical faculty, dental college, etc. |
8 | Laboratory centre |
9 | Pharmacy |
10 | Other health services (including district health administration etc.) |
11 | Non- health services area |
Avertissement: ces statistiques indiquent le nombre d'enregistrements trouvés dans les fichiers de données, et non des nombres pondérés. Ils ne peuvent pas être interpretés comme étant représentatifs de la population concernée.
Instructions aux enquêteurs
This question is asked only to respondents who worked at more than one location in thepast year. If the respondent worked at more than two locations, consider the location where the respondent spent the second most amount of time. If this second location was a health facility, determine whether the place is in the public or private sector.