Sénégal, France, Italie, Espagne - Enquête sur les migrations entre l'Afrique et l'Europe - Sénégal (2008)
ID de référence | SEN-INED-MAFE-2008 |
Année | 2007 - 2008 |
Pays | Sénégal, France, Italie, Espagne |
Producteur(s) | Cris Beauchemin - Institut national d’études démographiques (France) |
Bailleur(s) | Septième programme-cadre de la Communauté européenne - - Institut national d’études démographiques (France) - INED - Agence nationale de la recherche (France) - ANR - Région Ile- de-France - IDF - Programme FSP "Migrations int |
Collection(s) | |
Métadonnées | Documentation au format PDF |
Créé le
Sep 12, 2017
Dernière modification
Sep 12, 2017
Affichage par page
- sn_qm_household
- sn_qm_indiv
- sn_qb_general
- sn_qb_union
- sn_qb_children
- sn_qb_house
- sn_qb_activity
- sn_qb_assets
- sn_qb_mig_attempts
- sn_qb_migration
- sn_qb_return
- sn_qb_network
- sn_qb_short_return
- sn_qb_short_stay
- sn_qb_citizenship
- sn_qb_asylum
- sn_qb_residence_perm
it - sn_qb_work_permit
- sn_qb_transfer
- sn_qb_association
Groupes de variables
- Senegal general dataset
- Introduction
- History of housing lived in for at least 1 year
- Family history
- Residence history of family members and personal network
- Relationships / Children / Housing history / Periods of activity and inactivity
- Activity and education history
- History of assets and businesses
- Transfers / Migration attempts
- Stays of less than a year outside Senegal
- Long & short stays outside Senegal
- Associations / Asylum
- Return trips to Senegal
- Migratory status
- Information based on the biographical grid
- Interviewer's observations
- Survey variables
- Senegal union dataset
- Senegal children dataset
- Senegal house dataset
- Senegal activity dataset
- Senegal assets dataset
- Senegal migration attempts dataset
- Senegal migration dataset
- Senegal return dataset
- Senegal network dataset
- Senegal short return dataset
- Senegal short stay dataset
- Senegal citizenship dataset
- Senegal asylum dataset
- Senegal residence permit dataset
- Senegal work permit dataset
- Senegal transfer dataset
- Senegal association dataset
- Senegal general dataset
Dictionnaire de données
Fichier de données: sn_qm_household
Contenu | One line per HH, i.e. a total of 1141 HH in Senegal The dataset contains information on: - HH characteristics (computed variables from modules A & B); - HH head characteristics (all variables from module A, including the computed variables created for the dataset "qm_indiv"). Variables names: hh_a1 to hh_a21; - Housing and assets of the HH head (module E); - Information on the conduct of the interview (module O). |
Enregistrements | 0 |
Variable(s) | 197 |
Structure: | Type: relational Clés: n_menage (Household number), n_indiv (Individual number in the HH (HH head)) |
Données manquantes | Due to the files conversion, all "Refuse to answer", "No answer" and "Don't know" values appear here in missing frequencies. |
Notes | All "Yes" / "No" answers have been recoded, in order to facilitate analyses. In the questionnaire code, "No" was 2. It is now 0 in the dataset code. In both cases "Yes" is 1. The multiple answers variables are those where respondents could give more than one answer. To have a better view of these answers and to make the analysis easier, these variables are dichotomised in the datasets: for each possible modality a dichotomous variable was created (0 = No ; 1 = Yes). The variable weight_hdd represents normalized weights to be used in the analyses related to the household data, whatever the file used. |
Nom | Libellé | Question | |
num_dr | DC number | ||
strata_area | DC stratum defined in 10 classes | ||
strata_hh | Migrant HH during the census | ||
reg | District | ||
quartvill | Dakar neighbourhood | ||
ident | Individual ID | ||
n_menage | Household number | ||
n_indiv | Individual number in the HH (HH head) | ||
hh_q3age | Age (HH head) | Q3. How old are you / How old is "Name"? Don't know: In what year were you born? Age |
hh_q3annee | Year of birth (HH head) | Q3. How old are you / How old is "Name"? Don't know: In what year were you born? Year |
hh_q4_etr | Ego lives abroad | Q4. ETR, CONTACT, CONJ ETR |
hh_q4_cont | Ego has contact abroad | Q4. ETR, CONTACT, CONJ CONTACT |
hh_q4_cjt | Ego's partner lives abroad | Q4. ETR, CONTACT, CONJ CONJ |
cm_enf | Apart from the children currently living here, does the HH head have other child | Apart from the children currently living here, does or did the household head have other children, including children who are deceased? |
mar_migrant | Any persons in your HH engaged in a relationship with a migrant living abroad | In you household, are there any persons who are engaged in a relationship with a migrant living outside of the Senegal? |
cm_parent | HH head or partner have relatives living abroad (with regular contact) | In addition to the persons we've just recalled, does the household head or his/her partner have relatives living abroad and who have been in regular contact with the household over the past 12 months? |
nb_parent | If yes how many (relatives abroad with regulard contact) | In addition to the persons we've just recalled, does the household head or his/her partner have relatives living abroad and who have been in regular contact with the household over the past 12 months? If "Yes" => How many? |
hh_a1 | Sex (HH head) | A1. "Name" is: |
hh_a2_an | Year of death (HH head) | A2. Year of death Year |
hh_a2_age | Age at the time of death (HH head) | A2. Year of death Age |
hh_a3 | Relation with the HH head (HH head) | A3. How is "Name" related to the household head? |
hh_a4 | Living in the HH (HH head) | A4. Situation in relation to the household: |
hh_a5 | Nucleus number (HH head) | A5. Nucleus number |
hh_a6 | Relation with the nucleus head (HH head) | A6. How is "Name" related to the nucleus head? |
hh_a7a | Matrimonial status (HH head) | A7a. Is he/she? |
hh_a7b | Is her/his partner living abroad? (HH head) | A7b. Does his/her partner currently live abroad? |
hh_a7c_1 | Number of the 1st partner living abroad (HH head) | A7c. Who is his/her partner? 1st partner |
hh_a7c_2 | Number of the 2nd partner living abroad (HH head) | A7c. Who is his/her partner? 2nd partner |
hh_a12 | Has she/he ever lived abroad? (HH head) | A12. Has he/she already lived outside of Senegal? |
hh_a13a_an | In which year did she/he left for the first time? (HH head) | A13a. In which year did he/she leave Senegal for the first time for at least one year? Don't know: How old was he/she? Year |
hh_a13a_age | At what age did she/he left for the first time? (HH head) | A13a. In which year did he/she leave Senegal for the first time for at least one year? Don't know: How old was he/she? Age |
hh_a13b | What was her/his destination country? (HH head) | A13b. What was the destination country when he/she left Senegal for the first time? |
hh_a13c | Did she/he already come back? (HH head) | A13c. Did he/she return to Senegal for at least a year since he/she first left? |
hh_a13d_an | In which year did she/he come back for the first time? (HH head) | A13d. In which year did he/she return for the first time? Don't know: How old was he/she? Year |
hh_a13d_age | At what age did she/he come back for the first time? (HH head) | A13d. In which year did he/she return for the first time? Don't know: How old was he/she? Age |
hh_a14vil | Town of birth (HH head) | A14. Where was he/she born? Senegal - Town |
hh_a14cod | Town code of birth (HH head) | A14. Where was he/she born? Senegal - Town code |
hh_a14dep | Department of birth (HH head) | A14. Where was he/she born? Senegal - Department |
hh_a14pays | Country of birth (HH head) | A14. Where was he/she born? Abroad - Country |
hh_a15_natio1 | Current nationality 1 (HH head) | A15. Which nationalities does he/she currently hold? Nationality 1 |
hh_a15_natio2 | Current nationality 2 (HH head) | A15. Which nationalities does he/she currently hold? Nationality 2 |
hh_a16 | Ethnic group (HH head) | A16. What is his/her ethnicity? Ethnic group |
hh_a16_preci | Other ethnic group (HH head) | A16. What is his/her ethnicity? "Other" : specify |
hh_a17 | Religion (HH head) | A17. What is his/her religion? |
hh_a18 | Level of education (HH head) | A18. If "Name" goes or went to school: what was the last class "Name" attended? |
hh_a19 | Current occupation (HH head) | A19. At present, "Name" is primarily (spends most of his/her time) : |
hh_a20 | Current job (HH head) | A20. What is "Name" occupation, profession, position, task? Interviewee answer |
hh_a20b | Profession codification (HH head) | A20. What is "Name" occupation, profession, position, task? Codified profession |
hh_a21 | Current socio-economic status (HH head) | A20. You/he/she is: |
migrant | Currently do you have at home someone who lives in Europe | Currently, do you have at home someone who lives in France, Spain or in Italy and that is visiting Senegal? |
e1 | Your house is | E1. Your dwelling is: |
e2 | Number of rooms | E2. How many rooms are used as living space, not counting the sanitary facilities and the kitchen? |
e3 | Your toilets are | E3. The toilet facilities are: |
e4_1 | Indoor well | E4. You have access to water through: Indoor well? |
e4_2 | Outdoor well | E4. You have access to water through: Outdoor well? |
e4_3 | Indoor plumbing | E4. You have access to water through: Indoor plumbing? |
e4_4 | Outdoor plumbing | E4. You have access to water through: Outdoor plumbing? |
e4_5 | Borehole | E4. You have access to water through: Barehole? |
e4_6 | Water vendor | E4. You have access to water through: Water vendor? |
e4_7 | A spring/stream/river | E4. You have access to water through: A spring/stream/river? |
e4_8 | Other | E4. You have access to water through: Other? |
e4_NR | No answer | E4. You have access to water through: (No answer) |
e5 | Do you have electricity | E5. Do you have electricity? |
e6_1 | Gas | E6. Most of the time, what is the energy used by the household for cooking? Gas |
e6_2 | Charcoal | E6. Most of the time, what is the energy used by the household for cooking? Charcoal |
e6_3 | Firewood | E6. Most of the time, what is the energy used by the household for cooking? Firewood |
e6_4 | Other | E6. Most of the time, what is the energy used by the household for cooking? Other |
e6_5 | None | E6. Most of the time, what is the energy used by the household for cooking? None |
e6_NR | No answer | E6. Most of the time, what is the energy used by the household for cooking? (No answer) |
e7_1 | Refrigerator | E7. Which of the following items does your household own? Refrigerator/ freezer |
e7_2 | Stove | E7. Which of the following items does your household own? Stove |
e7_3 | Sewing machine | E7. Which of the following items does your household own? Sewing machine |
e7_4 | Radio/Hifi system | E7. Which of the following items does your household own? Radio/ Hi-fi system |
e7_5 | TV | E7. Which of the following items does your household own? TV |
e7_6 | Cable or satellite | E7. Which of the following items does your household own? Cable or satellite |
e7_7 | Video/DVD player | E7. Which of the following items does your household own? Video or DVD player |
e7_8 | Phone | E7. Which of the following items does your household own? Phone (fixed or mobile) |
e7_9 | Computer | E7. Which of the following items does your household own? Computer |
e7_10 | Internet | E7. Which of the following items does your household own? Internet connection |
e7_11 | Fan | E7. Which of the following items does your household own? Fan |
e7_12 | Air conditionning | E7. Which of the following items does your household own? Air conditioning |
e7_13 | None | E7. Which of the following items does your household own? None |
e8_1 | Taxi | E8. What means of transport does your household own? Taxi |
e8_2 | Car | E8. What means of transport does your household own? Car |
e8_3 | Motorcycle | E8. What means of transport does your household own? Motorcycle |
e8_4 | Bicycle | E8. What means of transport does your household own? Bicycle |
e8_5 | Cart | E8. What means of transport does your household own? Cart |
e8_6 | Tractor | E8. What means of transport does your household own? Tractor |
e8_7 | Pirogue | E8. What means of transport does your household own? Pirogue |
e8_8 | None | E8. What means of transport does your household own? None |
e9_annee | Since which year have you been living in this dwelling (HH head) | E9. How long have you been living in this dwelling? Which year |
e9_nban | Since how many years have you been living in this dwelling (HH head) | E9. How long have you been living in this dwelling? How many years |
e9_l | E9: plain text answers (HH head) | E9. How long have you been living in this dwelling? Or in plain text: |
e10 | Are you? (HH head) | E10. Are you/ Is the head of the household: |
e11 | Does or did your owner live abroad? | E11. Does or did your landlord live abroad? |
e12_num | Who lodge you? Person ID | E12. Who is providing housing for you? If in the household, Person ID |
e12_l | Who lodge you? Plain text answers | E12. Who is providing housing for you? Relationship in plain text |
e13 | Did your lodger already live abroad? | E13. Does or did the person who provides housing for you live abroad? |
e14 | Building the dwelling | E14. Did the owner/you build this dwelling him/herself/yourself? |
e15 | Kind of financement for the plot | E15. Has the plot been paid for, in part at least, with money earned abroad? Yes/ No |
Total variable(s):
197 |