Sénégal, France, Italie, Espagne - Enquête sur les migrations entre l'Afrique et l'Europe - Sénégal (2008)
ID de référence | SEN-INED-MAFE-2008 |
Année | 2007 - 2008 |
Pays | Sénégal, France, Italie, Espagne |
Producteur(s) | Cris Beauchemin - Institut national d’études démographiques (France) |
Bailleur(s) | Septième programme-cadre de la Communauté européenne - - Institut national d’études démographiques (France) - INED - Agence nationale de la recherche (France) - ANR - Région Ile- de-France - IDF - Programme FSP "Migrations int |
Collection(s) | |
Métadonnées |
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Créé le
Sep 12, 2017
Dernière modification
Sep 12, 2017
Affichage par page
- sn_qm_household
- sn_qm_indiv
- sn_qb_general
- sn_qb_union
- sn_qb_children
- sn_qb_house
- sn_qb_activity
- sn_qb_assets
- sn_qb_mig_attempts
- sn_qb_migration
- sn_qb_return
- sn_qb_network
- sn_qb_short_return
- sn_qb_short_stay
- sn_qb_citizenship
- sn_qb_asylum
- sn_qb_residence_perm
it - sn_qb_work_permit
- sn_qb_transfer
- sn_qb_association
Groupes de variables
- Senegal general dataset
- Introduction
- History of housing lived in for at least 1 year
- Family history
- Residence history of family members and personal network
- Relationships / Children / Housing history / Periods of activity and inactivity
- Activity and education history
- History of assets and businesses
- Transfers / Migration attempts
- Stays of less than a year outside Senegal
- Long & short stays outside Senegal
- Associations / Asylum
- Return trips to Senegal
- Migratory status
- Information based on the biographical grid
- Interviewer's observations
- Survey variables
- Senegal union dataset
- Senegal children dataset
- Senegal house dataset
- Senegal activity dataset
- Senegal assets dataset
- Senegal migration attempts dataset
- Senegal migration dataset
- Senegal return dataset
- Senegal network dataset
- Senegal short return dataset
- Senegal short stay dataset
- Senegal citizenship dataset
- Senegal asylum dataset
- Senegal residence permit dataset
- Senegal work permit dataset
- Senegal transfer dataset
- Senegal association dataset
- Senegal general dataset
Variable Group: History of assets and businesses module
Nom | Libellé | Question | |||
num_prop | Asset number | ||||
q501d | Start year of ownership of this asset | 501D. Since when are you the owner of this asset? | |||
q501f | End year of ownership of this asset | 501F. And until when did you own this asset? | |||
q502 | You don't own this asset anymore because | 502. You don't own this asset anymore because | |||
q502_a | Specify why you don't own this asset anymore | 502. You don't own this asset anymore because For another reason? => Specify | |||
q503 | Is the asset we are talking | 503. Is the asset we are talking about: | |||
q504 | This plot has been used | 504. Most of the time, this plot has been used... | |||
q505 | Did you own the plot before the construction of the house | 505. Did you own the plot before the construction of the house? | |||
q506 | Since when do you own the plot | 506. Since when? | |||
q507 | This asset has been | 507. Most of the time, this asset (house, shop, workshop...) has been: | |||
q508 | What is/was the activity performed | 508. What is/was the activity performed? | |||
q508c2 | q508 recoded level 2 | ||||
q508c1 | q508 recoded level 1 | ||||
q509 | This asset has been operated or used | 509. This asset has been operated or used... Multiple answers | |||
q509_0 | Used by yourself | 509. This asset has been operated or used... By yourself | |||
q509_1 | Used by father | 509. This asset has been operated or used... By your father | |||
q509_2 | Used by mother | 509. This asset has been operated or used... By your mother | |||
q509_3 | Used by partner(s) | 509. This asset has been operated or used... By your partner(s) | |||
q509_4 | Used by brother(s) | 509. This asset has been operated or used... By one or several brothers | |||
q509_5 | Used by sister(s) | 509. This asset has been operated or used... By one or several sisters | |||
q509_6 | Used by son(s) | 509. This asset has been operated or used... By one or several of your sons | |||
q509_7 | Used by daughter(s) | 509. This asset has been operated or used... By one or several of your daughters | |||
q509_8 | Used by another relative | 509. This asset has been operated or used... By another relative | |||
q509_9 | Used by friend(s) | 509. This asset has been operated or used... By one or several friends | |||
q509_10 | Used by somebody else | 509. This asset has been operated or used... By somebody else | |||
q509_NR | Used by no answer | 509. This asset has been operated or used... No answer | |||
q509_a | Specify another relative | 509. This asset has been operated or used... By another relative => Specify | |||
q509_b | Specify somebody else | 509. This asset has been operated or used... By somebody else => Specify | |||
q510 | Country of this asset | 510. In which country is this asset located? | |||
q511 | Town/village of this asset | 511. In which town or village? | |||
q512 | Region/province/district of this asset | 512. In which region / province / district? | |||
q513 | How did you obtain this asset | 513. And how did you obtain this asset: | |||
q514 | You bought it/built it | 514. You bought it (or built it)... Multiple answers | |||
q514_1 | Bought it on a leasing/hire-purchase basis | 514. You bought it (or built it)... On a leasing/hire-purchase basis | |||
q514_2 | Bought it from your personal savings | 514. You bought it (or built it)... From your personal savings | |||
q514_3 | Bought it with a bank loan etc. | 514. You bought it (or built it)... With a bank loan or a mutual insurance fund | |||
q514_4 | Bought it with the money from a tontine | 514. You bought it (or built it)... With the money from a tontine | |||
q514_5 | Bought it with a government aid | 514. You bought it (or built it)... With a government aid | |||
q514_6 | Bought it with a loan from a family member/friend | 514. You bought it (or built it)... With a loan from a family member or a friend | |||
q514_7 | Bought it with a gift/inheritance | 514. You bought it (or built it)... With a gift or the money from an inheritance | |||
q514_8 | Bought it differentlty | 514. You bought it (or built it)... Differently | |||
q514_NR | Bought it no answer | 514. You bought it (or built it)... No answer | |||
q514_a | Specify "bought it differently" | 514. You bought it (or built it)... Differently => Specify | |||
q515 | The persons who have lent/given you money to pay for this asset | 515. The persons who have lent or given you money to pay for this asset, are they... Multiple answers | |||
q515_1 | Money from father | 515. The persons who have lent or given you money to pay for this asset, are they... Your father | |||
q515_2 | Money from mother | 515. The persons who have lent or given you money to pay for this asset, are they... Your mother | |||
q515_3 | Money from partner(s) | 515. The persons who have lent or given you money to pay for this asset, are they... Your partner(s) | |||
q515_4 | Money from brother(s) | 515. The persons who have lent or given you money to pay for this asset, are they... One or several brothers | |||
q515_5 | Money from sister(s) | 515. The persons who have lent or given you money to pay for this asset, are they... One or several sisters | |||
q515_6 | Money from son(s) | 515. The persons who have lent or given you money to pay for this asset, are they... One or several of your sons | |||
q515_7 | Money from daughter(s) | 515. The persons who have lent or given you money to pay for this asset, are they... One or several of your daughters | |||
q515_8 | Money from another parent(s) | 515. The persons who have lent or given you money to pay for this asset, are they... Another relative | |||
q515_9 | Money from friend(s) | 515. The persons who have lent or given you money to pay for this asset, are they... One or several friends | |||
q515_10 | Money from other | 515. The persons who have lent or given you money to pay for this asset, are they... Somebody else | |||
q515_NR | Money from no answer | 515. The persons who have lent or given you money to pay for this asset, are they... No answer | |||
q515_a | Money: specify another relative | 515. The persons who have lent or given you money to pay for this asset, are they... Another relative => Specify | |||
q515_b | Money: specify somebody else | 515. The persons who have lent or given you money to pay for this asset, are they... Somebody else => Specify | |||
q516 | Are these persons of your family or personal network who live/lived abroad | 516. Are these persons of your family or personal network who live or who lived outside Senegal and about whom we talked before? | |||
q516_a | Migrant code 1 | 516. Are these persons of your family or personal network who live or who lived outside Senegal and about whom we talked before? Migrand code 1 | |||
q516_b | Migrant code 2 | 516. Are these persons of your family or personal network who live or who lived outside Senegal and about whom we talked before? Migrant code 2 | |||