Sénégal, France, Italie, Espagne - Enquête sur les migrations entre l'Afrique et l'Europe - Sénégal (2008)
ID de référence | SEN-INED-MAFE-2008 |
Année | 2007 - 2008 |
Pays | Sénégal, France, Italie, Espagne |
Producteur(s) | Cris Beauchemin - Institut national d’études démographiques (France) |
Bailleur(s) | Septième programme-cadre de la Communauté européenne - - Institut national d’études démographiques (France) - INED - Agence nationale de la recherche (France) - ANR - Région Ile- de-France - IDF - Programme FSP "Migrations int |
Collection(s) | |
Métadonnées |
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Créé le
Sep 12, 2017
Dernière modification
Sep 12, 2017
Affichage par page
- sn_qm_household
- sn_qm_indiv
- sn_qb_general
- sn_qb_union
- sn_qb_children
- sn_qb_house
- sn_qb_activity
- sn_qb_assets
- sn_qb_mig_attempts
- sn_qb_migration
- sn_qb_return
- sn_qb_network
- sn_qb_short_return
- sn_qb_short_stay
- sn_qb_citizenship
- sn_qb_asylum
- sn_qb_residence_perm
it - sn_qb_work_permit
- sn_qb_transfer
- sn_qb_association
Groupes de variables
- Senegal general dataset
- Introduction
- History of housing lived in for at least 1 year
- Family history
- Residence history of family members and personal network
- Relationships / Children / Housing history / Periods of activity and inactivity
- Activity and education history
- History of assets and businesses
- Transfers / Migration attempts
- Stays of less than a year outside Senegal
- Long & short stays outside Senegal
- Associations / Asylum
- Return trips to Senegal
- Migratory status
- Information based on the biographical grid
- Interviewer's observations
- Survey variables
- Senegal union dataset
- Senegal children dataset
- Senegal house dataset
- Senegal activity dataset
- Senegal assets dataset
- Senegal migration attempts dataset
- Senegal migration dataset
- Senegal return dataset
- Senegal network dataset
- Senegal short return dataset
- Senegal short stay dataset
- Senegal citizenship dataset
- Senegal asylum dataset
- Senegal residence permit dataset
- Senegal work permit dataset
- Senegal transfer dataset
- Senegal association dataset
- Senegal general dataset
Dictionnaire de données
Fichier de données: sn_qb_return
Contenu | !! One line per return to Senegal for each person who declared at least one return and one line for the other interviewees !! Note: returns listed in this module are returns that lasted at least 1 year and shorter returns but with the intention of settling. Other returns (less than a year without intention to resettle) are listed in the qb_short_return datafiles. This dataset contains: - all the answers to the module Return to Senegal. - a series of dichotomous variables created from the questions q707 and q708. All MAFE's biographic files include the same 18 variables listed below: - ident - id_country - n_menage - n_indiv - num_dr - strata_area - strata_hh - strata_ind - q1 - q1a - age_survey - q18 - flag_age - flag_arrival - flag_visitor (exception: only available for MAFE Senegal) - weight_eur - weight_all - weight_ctry |
Enregistrements | 0 |
Variable(s) | 70 |
Données manquantes | Due to the files conversion, all "Refuse to answer", "No answer" and "Don't know" values appear here in missing frequencies. |
Notes | All "Yes" / "No" answers have been recoded, in order to facilitate analyses. In the questionnaire code, "No" was 2. It is now 0 in the dataset code. In both cases "Yes" is 1. The multiple answers variables are those where respondents could give more than one answer. To have a better view of these answers and to make the analysis easier, these variables are dichotomised in the datasets: for each possible modality a dichotomous variable was created (0 = No ; 1 = Yes). There are three different weight variables in the data files of the MAFE individual surveys. They were computed at three different levels: - weight_ctry is the variable to use when working on a single country (for example, the Senegalese population sampled only in Senegal, or in any single European country). - weight_eur is the variable to use when working on the European countries pooled together (for example, the Senegalese population sampled in France, Italy and Spain). It shoud not be used if the analyses include individuals surveyed in Africa. - weight_all is the variable to use when working on all countries of the MAFE survey (for example, Senegalese population from Senegalese, French, Italian and Spanish samples). For details on weight computation, see Schoumaker et al. (2013), a document that also provides information on when and how to use weights with the MAFE data (Methodological note 6 - see related materials). |
Nom | Libellé | Question | |
ident | Biographic individual identifier | ||
id_country | Country of the survey | ||
n_menage | ID of the HH | ||
n_indiv | ID of the individual in the HH | ||
num_dr | Constructed ID of the PSU | ||
strata_area | Strate of the CD defined by the population census | ||
strata_hh | HH with migrants | ||
strata_ind | Presence of migrant in the HH during the census | ||
num_sr | Return number | ||
q1 | Sex | Q1. The respondent is: |
q1a | Year of birth | Q1A. To start with, and to help us to set a time scale, could you tell me in which year you were born (or your age)? Year of birth |
age_survey | Age at survey | Q1A. To start with, and to help us to set a time scale, could you tell me in which year you were born (or your age)? Age |
q18 | Which is the last school year you attended | Q18. Let's talk about your studies: Which is the last school year you attended? |
q701d | Start year of the return to Senegal | 701D - 701F. START and END years of the return to Senegal Start year |
q701f | End year of the return to Senegal | 701D - 701F. START and END years of the return to Senegal End year |
q702 | Country which Ego came from | 702. From which country did you come? |
q703 | Kind of return | 703. It was... |
q704_1 | For how long did you stay (in months) | 704. For how long did you stay in Senegal? In months |
q704_2 | For how long did you stay (in weeks) | 704. For how long did you stay in Senegal? In weeks |
q704_3 | For how long did you stay (in days) | 704. For how long did you stay in Senegal? In days |
q704_4 | For how long did you stay (other) | 704. For how long did you stay in Senegal? Other |
q705_1 | When you arrived back, for how long did you intend to stay (in years) | 705. When you arrived back in Senegal, for how long did you intend to stay? In years |
q705_2 | When you arrived back, for how long did you intend to stay (in months) | 705. When you arrived back in Senegal, for how long did you intend to stay? In months |
q705_4 | When you arrived back, for how long did you intend to stay (in days) | 705. When you arrived back in Senegal, for how long did you intend to stay? In days |
q705_5 | When you arrived back, for how long did you intend to stay (permanently) | 705. When you arrived back in Senegal, for how long did you intend to stay? Permanently |
q705_6 | When you arrived back, for how long did you intend to stay (other) | 705. When you arrived back in Senegal, for how long did you intend to stay? Other |
q706 | For what reasons did you return to live in Senegal | 706. For what reasons did you return to live in Senegal? |
q706c2 | Reasons for return coded level 2 | ||
q706c1 | Reasons for return coded level 1 | ||
q707 | With whom did you return | 707. With whom did you return: Multiple answers |
q707_0 | Return alone | 707. With whom did you return: Alone |
q707_1 | Return with father | 707. With whom did you return: Your father |
q707_2 | Return with mother | 707. With whom did you return: Your mother |
q707_3 | Return with partner | 707. With whom did you return: Your partner |
q707_4 | Return with brother(s) | 707. With whom did you return: One or several brothers |
q707_5 | Return with sister(s) | 707. With whom did you return: One or several sisters |
q707_6 | Return with son(s) | 707. With whom did you return: One or several of your son(s) |
q707_7 | Return with daughter(s) | 707. With whom did you return: One or several of your daughter(s) |
q707_8 | Return with another relative | 707. With whom did you return: Another relative |
q707_9 | Return with friend(s) | 707. With whom did you return: One or several friends |
q707_10 | Return with other | 707. With whom did you return: Other |
q707_NR | Return with no answer | 707. With whom did you return: No answer |
q707_a | Specify the return with other | 707. With whom did you return: Other => Specify |
q708 | Which persons decided about your return | 708. Which persons decided about your return: Multiple answers |
q708_0 | Decision alone | 708. Which persons decided about your return: Yourself |
q708_1 | Decision from father | 708. Which persons decided about your return: Your father |
q708_2 | Decision from mother | 708. Which persons decided about your return: Your mother |
q708_3 | Decision from partner | 708. Which persons decided about your return: Your partner |
q708_4 | Decision from brother(s) | 708. Which persons decided about your return: One or several brothers |
q708_5 | Decision from sister(s) | 708. Which persons decided about your return: One or several sisters |
q708_6 | Decision from son(s) | 708. Which persons decided about your return: One or several of your son(s) |
q708_7 | Decision from daughter(s) | 708. Which persons decided about your return: One or several of your daughter(s) |
q708_8 | Decision from another relative | 708. Which persons decided about your return: Another relative |
q708_9 | Decision from employer | 708. Which persons decided about your return: Your employer |
q708_10 | Decision from the country where you lived | 708. Which persons decided about your return: The authorities of the country where you lived |
q708_11 | Decision from other | 708. Which persons decided about your return: Other |
q708_NR | Decision from no anwser | 708. Which persons decided about your return: No answer |
q708_a | Specify the decision from another relative | 708. Which persons decided about your return: Another relative => Specify |
q708_b | Specify the decision from other | 708. Which persons decided about your return: Other => Specify |
q709 | Are they people who lived outside Senegal and whom we talked about before | 709. Are these persons of your family or personal network who live or lived outside Senegal and about whom we talked before? |
q709_a | Migrant code 1 | 709. Are these persons of your family or personal network who live or lived outside Senegal and about whom we talked before? Migrant code 1 |
q709_b | Migrant code 2 | 709. Are these persons of your family or personal network who live or lived outside Senegal and about whom we talked before? Migrant code 2 |
q709_c | Migrant code 3 | 709. Are these persons of your family or personal network who live or lived outside Senegal and about whom we talked before? Migrant code 3 |
q709_d | Migrant code 4 | 709. Are these persons of your family or personal network who live or lived outside Senegal and about whom we talked before? Migrant code 4 |
flag_age | Less than 25 years and more than 75 years | ||
flag_arrival | First migration in Europe before 18 | ||
flag_visitor | Resident in Europe but surveyed in Africa | ||
weight_eur | Weighting normalized on the 3 european countries | ||
weight_all | Weighting normalized on the 4 countries | ||
weight_ctry | Weighting normalized by country | ||
Total variable(s):
70 |