Sénégal, France, Italie, Espagne - Enquête sur les migrations entre l'Afrique et l'Europe - Sénégal (2008)
ID de référence | SEN-INED-MAFE-2008 |
Année | 2007 - 2008 |
Pays | Sénégal, France, Italie, Espagne |
Producteur(s) | Cris Beauchemin - Institut national d’études démographiques (France) |
Bailleur(s) | Septième programme-cadre de la Communauté européenne - - Institut national d’études démographiques (France) - INED - Agence nationale de la recherche (France) - ANR - Région Ile- de-France - IDF - Programme FSP "Migrations int |
Collection(s) | |
Métadonnées |
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Créé le
Sep 12, 2017
Dernière modification
Sep 12, 2017
Affichage par page
- sn_qm_household
- sn_qm_indiv
- sn_qb_general
- sn_qb_union
- sn_qb_children
- sn_qb_house
- sn_qb_activity
- sn_qb_assets
- sn_qb_mig_attempts
- sn_qb_migration
- sn_qb_return
- sn_qb_network
- sn_qb_short_return
- sn_qb_short_stay
- sn_qb_citizenship
- sn_qb_asylum
- sn_qb_residence_perm
it - sn_qb_work_permit
- sn_qb_transfer
- sn_qb_association
Groupes de variables
- Senegal general dataset
- Introduction
- History of housing lived in for at least 1 year
- Family history
- Residence history of family members and personal network
- Relationships / Children / Housing history / Periods of activity and inactivity
- Activity and education history
- History of assets and businesses
- Transfers / Migration attempts
- Stays of less than a year outside Senegal
- Long & short stays outside Senegal
- Associations / Asylum
- Return trips to Senegal
- Migratory status
- Information based on the biographical grid
- Interviewer's observations
- Survey variables
- Senegal union dataset
- Senegal children dataset
- Senegal house dataset
- Senegal activity dataset
- Senegal assets dataset
- Senegal migration attempts dataset
- Senegal migration dataset
- Senegal return dataset
- Senegal network dataset
- Senegal short return dataset
- Senegal short stay dataset
- Senegal citizenship dataset
- Senegal asylum dataset
- Senegal residence permit dataset
- Senegal work permit dataset
- Senegal transfer dataset
- Senegal association dataset
- Senegal general dataset
Dictionnaire de données
Fichier de données: sn_qm_indiv
Contenu | One line per declared individual in the HH questionnaire, i.e. a total of 12350 individuals in Senegal (including individuals living abroad, i.e. a total of 1203 migrants in Senegal) Observations in this data file correspond to: - Individuals living in the household at the time of the survey (A4=1) - Individuals living outside the household (A4=2) included in the roster if they enter into one of the following categories: */ children of the HH head who no longer live with her/him, whatever her/his place of residence; */ partners of household members who live outside Senegal; */ parents of household members who live outside Senegal; */ other people living outside Senegal and who had regular contact with the household during the 12 months before the survey. WARNING! Don't forget that only part of the people listed in the household questionnaires, i.e. in "qm_indiv" are actual members of the households. Furthermore, keep in mind that some individuals, in this dataset, never lived in Congo, Ghana or Senegal. For example: - Descendants of migrants, born in the destination country of their parents. Ex: the HH head is a grandfather whose son has immigrated to France, where he had children. These children can be mentioned by the grandfather in the third category "other persons living outside Senegal but who have kept regular contact with the HH during the 12 months before the survey", even if they have never lived in Senegal. - Relatives of immigrants in Congo, Ghana or Senegal. Ex: the HH head is an immigrant woman from Angola. She has left behind (in her home country) her husband and children. Even if they have never lived in Congo, she mentioned them in the HH questionnaire because they are in the third category. The dataset contains all variables of the questionnaire and some additional computed variables. |
Enregistrements | 0 |
Variable(s) | 136 |
Structure: | Type: relational Clés: n_menage (Household number), n_indiv (Individual number in the HH) |
Données manquantes | Due to the files conversion, all "Refuse to answer", "No answer" and "Don't know" values appear here in missing frequencies. |
Notes | All "Yes" / "No" answers have been recoded, in order to facilitate analyses. In the questionnaire code, "No" was 2. It is now 0 in the dataset code. In both cases "Yes" is 1. The multiple answers variables are those where respondents could give more than one answer. To have a better view of these answers and to make the analysis easier, these variables are dichotomised in the datasets: for each possible modality a dichotomous variable was created (0 = No ; 1 = Yes). The variable weight_hdd represents normalized weights to be used in the analyses related to the household data, whatever the file used. |
Nom | Libellé | Question | |
num_dr | DC number | ||
Strata_area | DC stratum defined in 10 classes | ||
Strata_hh | Migrant HH during the census | ||
ident | Individual ID | ||
n_menage | Household number | ||
n_indiv | Individual number in the HH | ||
q3age | Age | Q3. How old are you / How old is "Name"? Don't know: In what year were you born? Age |
q3annee | Year of birth | Q3. How old are you / How old is "Name"? Don't know: In what year were you born? Year |
q4_etr | Ego lives abroad | Q4. ETR, CONTACT, CONJ ETR |
q4_cont | Ego has contact abroad | Q4. ETR, CONTACT, CONJ CONTACT |
q4_cjt | Ego's partner lives abroad | Q4. ETR, CONTACT, CONJ CONJ |
a1 | Sex | A1. "Name" is: |
a2_an | Year of death | A2. Year of death Year |
a2_age | Age at the time of death | A2. Year of death Age |
a3 | Relation with the HH head | A3. How is "Name" related to the household head? |
a4 | Living in the HH | A4. Situation in relation to the household: |
a5 | Nucleus number | A5. Nucleus number |
a6 | Relation with the nucleus head | A6. How is "Name" related to the nucleus head? |
a7a | Matrimonial status (household members) | A7a. Is he/she? |
a7b | Is her/his partner living abroad? | A7b. Does his/her partner currently live abroad? |
a7c_1 | Number of the 1st partner living abroad | A7c. Who is his/her partner? 1st partner |
a7c_2 | Number of the 2nd partner living abroad | A7c. Who is his/her partner? 2nd partner |
a8a | Matrimonial status (members outside the household) | A8a. Is he/she? |
a8b | Is she/he the partner of someone living in the HH? | A8b. Is he/she the partner of someone living in the household? |
a8c_1 | Number of the 1st partner living in the household | A8c. Who is his/her partner? 1st partner |
a8c_2 | Number of the 2nd partner living in the household | A8c. Who is his/her partner? 2nd partner |
a9 | Has Ego already lived with the HH head? | A9. Has "Name" ever lived with the household head? |
a10 | Is Ego currently living abroad? | A10. Does he/she currently live abroad? |
a11 | In which country? | A11. In which country? |
a12 | Has she/he ever lived abroad? | A12. Has he/she already lived outside of Senegal? |
a13a_an | In which year did she/he left for the first time? | A13a. In which year did he/she leave Senegal for the first time for at least one year? Don't know: How old was he/she? Year |
a13a_age | At what age did she/he left for the first time? | A13a. In which year did he/she leave Senegal for the first time for at least one year? Don't know: How old was he/she? Age |
a13b | What was her/his destination country? | A13b. What was the destination country when he/she left Senegal for the first time? |
a13c | Did she/he already come back? | A13c. Did he/she return to Senegal for at least a year since he/she first left? |
a13d_an | In which year did she/he come back for the first time? | A13d. In which year did he/she return for the first time? Don't know: How old was he/she? Year |
a13d_age | At what age did she/he come back for the first time? | A13d. In which year did he/she return for the first time? Don't know: How old was he/she? Age |
a14vil | Town of birth | A14. Where was he/she born? Senegal - Town |
a14cod | Town code of birth | A14. Where was he/she born? Senegal - Town code |
a14dep | Department of birth | A14. Where was he/she born? Senegal - Department |
a14pays | Country of birth | A14. Where was he/she born? Abroad - Country |
a15_natio1 | Current nationality 1 | A15. Which nationalities does he/she currently hold? Nationality 1 |
a15_natio2 | Current nationality 2 | A15. Which nationalities does he/she currently hold? Nationality 2 |
a16 | Ethnic group | A16. What is his/her ethnicity? Ethnic group |
a16_preci | Other ethnic group | A16. What is his/her ethnicity? "Other" : specify |
a17 | Religion | A17. What is his/her religion? |
a18 | Level of education | A18. If "Name" goes or went to school: what was the last class "Name" attended? |
a19 | Current occupation | A19. At present, "Name" is primarily (spends most of his/her time) : |
a20 | Current job | A20. What is "Name" occupation, profession, position, task? Interviewee answer |
a20b | Profession codification | A20. What is "Name" occupation, profession, position, task? Codified profession |
a21 | Current socio-economic status | A20. You/he/she is: |
b1_1 | 1st reason of departure | B1. The last time he/she left Senegal to settle in another country, he/she left... 1st reason |
b1_2 | 2nd reason of departure | B1. The last time he/she left Senegal to settle in another country, he/she left... 2nd reason |
b1_3 | 3rd reason of departure | B1. The last time he/she left Senegal to settle in another country, he/she left... 3rd reason |
b1_preci | Specify the other reason of departure | B1. The last time he/she left Senegal to settle in another country, he/she left... If "Other" => Specify |
b2_an | Departure: in which year? | B2. When was it? Year |
b2_age | Departure: at what age? | B2. When was it? Age |
b3_1 | 1st help from the HH to leave | B3. Did he/she receive support from your household to finance or organize the migration? 1st help |
b3_2 | 2nd help from the HH to leave | B3. Did he/she receive support from your household to finance or organize the migration? 2nd help |
b3_3 | 3rd help from the HH to leave | B3. Did he/she receive support from your household to finance or organize the migration? 3rd help |
b3_preci | Specify the other help | B3. Did he/she receive support from your household to finance or organize the migration? If "We supported him/her in another way" => Specify |
b3_a | Help: has always lived there | B3. Did he/she receive support from your household to finance or organize the migration? Has always lived there |
b3_b | Help: no help | B3. Did he/she receive support from your household to finance or organize the migration? No help |
b3_c | Help: with the preparations | B3. Did he/she receive support from your household to finance or organize the migration? With the preparations |
b3_d | Help: to pay the trip | B3. Did he/she receive support from your household to finance or organize the migration? To pay the trip |
b3_e | Help: for other things | B3. Did he/she receive support from your household to finance or organize the migration? For other things |
b3_NR | Help: no answer | B3. Did he/she receive support from your household to finance or organize the migration? No answer |
b4 | Does she/he have official papers? | B4. Does he/she currently have the residence permits/official documents that would allow him/her to stay in the country where he/she is? |
b5 | Did you have contact with this person during the 12 past months? | B5. Have you been in contact with this person over the last 12 months, by phone, mail, internet…? |
b6 | Contacts: at which frequencies? | B6. How often? |
b7 | Has she/he visited you during the past 12 months? | B7. Did he/she come to visit you in the last 12 months? |
c1 | Did you get money from her/him during the past 12 months? | C1. Have you received any money from "Name" over the last 12 months? |
c2 | Did she/he send you money during the past 12 months... | C2. Over the last 12 months, did he/she send money? |
c3 | Generally how does she/he send you money? | C3. How does he/she normally (most often) send you the money? |
c3_preci | Specify how she/he sends you money | C3. How does he/she normally (most often) send you the money? If "Other" => Specify |
c4_cfa | How much money the last time? Plain text | C4. How much approximately did he/she send you the last time? Plain text answer |
c4 | How much money the last time? Code | C4. How much approximately did he/she send you the last time? Code |
c5_1 | How did you spend this money: 1st answer | C5. How was spent the money that "Name" sent over the last 12 months? 1st answer |
c5_2 | How did you spend this money: 2nd answer | C5. How was spent the money that "Name" sent over the last 12 months? 2nd answer |
c5_3 | How did you spend this money: 3rd answer | C5. How was spent the money that "Name" sent over the last 12 months? 3rd answer |
c5_4 | How did you spend this money: 4th answer | C5. How was spent the money that "Name" sent over the last 12 months? 4th answer |
c5_5 | How did you spend this money: 5th answer | C5. How was spent the money that "Name" sent over the last 12 months? 5th answer |
c5_6 | How did you spend this money: 6th answer | C5. How was spent the money that "Name" sent over the last 12 months? 6th answer |
c6_1 | What kind of purchase did you make? 1st answer | C6. What kind of purchase did you make? 1st answer |
c6_2 | What kind of purchase did you make? 2nd answer | C6. What kind of purchase did you make? 2nd answer |
c7 | Did she/he send you goods in the past 12 months? | C7. During the last 12 months, did "Name" send you goods in kind? |
c8_1 | 1st good she/he sent you | C8. Did he/she send you any of the following goods? 1st good |
c8_2 | 2nd good she/he sent you | C8. Did he/she send you any of the following goods? 2nd good |
c8_3 | 3rd good she/he sent you | C8. Did he/she send you any of the following goods? 3rd good |
c8_4 | 4th good she/he sent you | C8. Did he/she send you any of the following goods? 4th good |
c8_5 | 5th good she/he sent you | C8. Did he/she send you any of the following goods? 5th good |
c8_6 | 6th good she/he sent you | C8. Did he/she send you any of the following goods? 6th good |
c8_7 | 7th good she/he sent you | C8. Did he/she send you any of the following goods? 7th good |
c9 | What share of your needs represents the money and the good sent by her/him? | C9. Which share of your needs on food, medicine, housing, transport, etc. have been covered by the money and in-kind transfers you have received from "Name" over the last 12 months? |
pmigrant | Current migrants: individuals outside HH living abroad | ||
pmig_country | Country of residence of the current migrants | ||
pmig_region | Residence region of the current migrants | ||
preturn | Return migrants | ||
pretout | Current return migrants who are in Senegal during the survey | ||
peverreturn | Actual migrants who have already come back to Senegal | ||
pimmig | Individuals who have immigrated to Senegal | ||
Total variable(s):
136 |