Sénégal, France, Italie, Espagne - Enquête sur les migrations entre l'Afrique et l'Europe - Sénégal (2008)
ID de référence | SEN-INED-MAFE-2008 |
Année | 2007 - 2008 |
Pays | Sénégal, France, Italie, Espagne |
Producteur(s) | Cris Beauchemin - Institut national d’études démographiques (France) |
Bailleur(s) | Septième programme-cadre de la Communauté européenne - - Institut national d’études démographiques (France) - INED - Agence nationale de la recherche (France) - ANR - Région Ile- de-France - IDF - Programme FSP "Migrations int |
Collection(s) | |
Métadonnées |
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Créé le
Sep 12, 2017
Dernière modification
Sep 12, 2017
Affichage par page
- sn_qm_household
- sn_qm_indiv
- sn_qb_general
- sn_qb_union
- sn_qb_children
- sn_qb_house
- sn_qb_activity
- sn_qb_assets
- sn_qb_mig_attempts
- sn_qb_migration
- sn_qb_return
- sn_qb_network
- sn_qb_short_return
- sn_qb_short_stay
- sn_qb_citizenship
- sn_qb_asylum
- sn_qb_residence_perm
it - sn_qb_work_permit
- sn_qb_transfer
- sn_qb_association
Groupes de variables
- Senegal general dataset
- Introduction
- History of housing lived in for at least 1 year
- Family history
- Residence history of family members and personal network
- Relationships / Children / Housing history / Periods of activity and inactivity
- Activity and education history
- History of assets and businesses
- Transfers / Migration attempts
- Stays of less than a year outside Senegal
- Long & short stays outside Senegal
- Associations / Asylum
- Return trips to Senegal
- Migratory status
- Information based on the biographical grid
- Interviewer's observations
- Survey variables
- Senegal union dataset
- Senegal children dataset
- Senegal house dataset
- Senegal activity dataset
- Senegal assets dataset
- Senegal migration attempts dataset
- Senegal migration dataset
- Senegal return dataset
- Senegal network dataset
- Senegal short return dataset
- Senegal short stay dataset
- Senegal citizenship dataset
- Senegal asylum dataset
- Senegal residence permit dataset
- Senegal work permit dataset
- Senegal transfer dataset
- Senegal association dataset
- Senegal general dataset
Fichier: sn_qb_transfer
Fichier: sn_qb_transfer
Discrète Format: numeric Largeur: 17 Décimales: 0 Intervalle: 1-9999 |
Enregistrements valides: 0 Invalide: 0 |
Questions et instructions
Hello, my name is ……………………………………… . I am taking part in a study about migration between Senegal and various countries in Europe, and on links between people living in Senegal and their families and friends who live abroad.
Before we start, I'd like to briefly present the study to you, and inform you about your rights.
This study has been organised by the University of Dakar, and several European research organisms: the Institut national d'études démographiques (Paris, France), the University of Pompeu Fabra (Barcelone, Espagne), FIERI (Turin, Italie), in collaboration with ENDA Tiers-Monde.
WHY THIS STUDY? => Hand out the INFORMATION LEAFLET and present the study
* For a number of years, African migration has been a major issue of public debate - in politics and the media, both in Africa and in Europe. However, this debate is often not based on real evidence, but rather on opinions.
* In fact, the scale and causes of Senegalese migration are not very well known. We also don't know the real impacts of migration on the living conditions of Senegalese families or on Senegal's national development.
* In this study, which is organised by both Senegalese and European researchers, we would like to produce statistical data based on the real life experiences of Senegalese people. We hope that this data will help us to understand migration better, including its effects on Senegal.
* The findings will be used to contribute to public debates gathering citizens, researchers and political decision-makers. The finale goal of this study is to link both real life experiences and migratory and development policies.
* To carry out this study, we will meet people with very different migration experiences: people who have always stayed in Senegal; people who've lived abroad but have come back to Senegal; and people who remain in Europe.
* Some information has already been collected in January and February 2008, on households living in Dakar, mainly about life conditions and the families' relationship with their migrants.
* Today, this questionnaire involves questions about you, your life. There are questions about the places you have lived since your childhood; about your occupations and family life; the trips you have made abroad; and so on. All these questions will allow us to look at the relationships between whether people migrate or not, and their economic and family circumstances.
* Since everyone's experiences are different, the duration of the interview varies - it should be between half an hour, and a maximum of two hours, depending on your individual life history.
* If a question makes you feel uneasy, you are not obliged to answer. You can stop the interview at any time.
* We guarantee that all the information you provide us with will be kept confidential. Your name and address are not recorded in the questionnaire. Nobody will be able to identify you from the information that you give me.
Before we start: do you have any questions?
Hello, my name is ……………………………………… . I am taking part in a study about migration between Senegal and various countries in Europe, and on links between people living in Senegal and their families and friends who live abroad.
Before we start, I'd like to briefly present the study to you, and inform you about your rights.
This study has been organised by the University of Dakar, and several European research organisms: the Institut national d'études démographiques (Paris, France), the University of Pompeu Fabra (Barcelone, Espagne), FIERI (Turin, Italie), in collaboration with ENDA Tiers-Monde.
WHY THIS STUDY? => Hand out the INFORMATION LEAFLET and present the study
* For a number of years, African migration has been a major issue of public debate - in politics and the media, both in Africa and in Europe. However, this debate is often not based on real evidence, but rather on opinions.
* In fact, the scale and causes of Senegalese migration are not very well known. We also don't know the real impacts of migration on the living conditions of Senegalese families or on Senegal's national development.
* In this study, which is organised by both Senegalese and European researchers, we would like to produce statistical data based on the real life experiences of Senegalese people. We hope that this data will help us to understand migration better, including its effects on Senegal.
* The findings will be used to contribute to public debates gathering citizens, researchers and political decision-makers. The finale goal of this study is to link both real life experiences and migratory and development policies.
* To carry out this study, we will meet people with very different migration experiences: people who have always stayed in Senegal; people who've lived abroad but have come back to Senegal; and people who remain in Europe.
* Some information has already been collected in January and February 2008, on households living in Dakar, mainly about life conditions and the families' relationship with their migrants.
* Today, this questionnaire involves questions about you, your life. There are questions about the places you have lived since your childhood; about your occupations and family life; the trips you have made abroad; and so on. All these questions will allow us to look at the relationships between whether people migrate or not, and their economic and family circumstances.
* Since everyone's experiences are different, the duration of the interview varies - it should be between half an hour, and a maximum of two hours, depending on your individual life history.
* If a question makes you feel uneasy, you are not obliged to answer. You can stop the interview at any time.
* We guarantee that all the information you provide us with will be kept confidential. Your name and address are not recorded in the questionnaire. Nobody will be able to identify you from the information that you give me.
Before we start: do you have any questions?
Question littérale
Q1. The respondent is:
To begin with, I would like to note the major events and periods of your life on this grid. We will begin at the time of your birth. Later we will look at these periods of life in some more detail.
Valeur | Catégorie |
1 | Man |
2 | Woman |
Avertissement: ces statistiques indiquent le nombre d'enregistrements trouvés dans les fichiers de données, et non des nombres pondérés. Ils ne peuvent pas être interpretés comme étant représentatifs de la population concernée.
Instructions aux enquêteurs
STUDY IN FRANCE: Hand out the CNIL letter to the interviewee.
In compliance with the law "informatique et libertés" of January 6, 1978, you have a right to access and rectify information concerning yourself.
To exercise this right, you should apply by mail, before the first July 2008, at INED. As data are anonymous, the correction will only be possible on presentation of your interviewee number.
In compliance with the law "informatique et libertés" of January 6, 1978, you have a right to access and rectify information concerning yourself.
To exercise this right, you should apply by mail, before the first July 2008, at INED. As data are anonymous, the correction will only be possible on presentation of your interviewee number.